The inmates have taking control of the prison? We are warden-less?
... and there's one of the inmates barking at the moon from the confines of the asylum. LO doesn't patrol 24-7. I cannot speak for him, but I wouldn't irk him about the running of the forum. He's the only mod, he has a job, family and other interests. He runs the forum voluntarily. Do you run internet forums? No. So don't throw stones as the glass might fall around you.
1. Explain why the Apollo 3D trajectory would appear to be a straight line when projected onto 2D.
2. What types of secondary radiation are produced in the CM as it traverses the belts?
3. Explain the mechanism for the secondary radiation.
4. How does the material in the hull affect the spectrum of radiation produced.
5. Describe the penetration of that secondary radiation through the CM.
6. How does the integral flux for electrons > 1 MeV change with energy?
Talking about throwing stones. If you want to talk about moderation, then I'll invoke it and ask LO for you to answer these questions tonight while Mag 40 is putting together a figure for you.
I won't accept flounce-Google time. They are one the table now, show you understand and support your claims about the radiation being prohibitive.