Here's some more "secret" material for Inconceivable.
Roundup 25 September 1970, page 2
Dr. George Low Comments On U.S.S.R. Lunar Probe "The Soviet Union’s reported success in obtaining lunar material, depositing it in a sealed container and launching it from the Moon’s surface on a return to Earth with the Luna 16 unmanned spacecraft is a major engineering and scientific achievement. We wish the Soviet Union and its scientists and engineers success in completing this exciting mission."
"The material collected by Luna 16 is from the Sea of Fertility, an area which has not yet been studied on the surface by manned or unmanned spacecraft."
"Exploration of the Moon by manned and unmanned spacecraft is resulting in important discoveries concerning the orgin of the [text missing] laboratories on Earth as well as the personal on-site observations by United States astronauts and close-up photographs of the Moon’s surface by both the U.S. and Soviet Union already are proving their value to the worldwide scientific community."
"We look forward to sharing in the information which will be developed by an analysis of the samples."
Roundup 23 October 1970, page 1
Soviet Cosmonauts Arrive In Houston, Tour MSC Today Soviet Cosmonauts Andriyan Nicolayev and Vitaley Sevastianov, who spent 18 days in earth-orbital flight in Soyuz 9 last June, were scheduled to have visited Houston and the Manned Spacecraft Center this week.
They were scheduled to have arrived at Ellington AFB from Marshall Space Flight Center, Wednesday afternoon, followed by visits to astronauts’ homes. Thursday they were to have attended the AIAA conference at Astroworld Convention Hall in the morning and meet with Houston Mayor Louie Welch in the afternoon, followed by a tour of Houston and attend the AIAA banquet.
Today a briefing and tour of the Manned Spacecraft Center is planned for the cosmonauts. A private dinner party is scheduled this evening. The cosmonauts and party are scheduled to depart Houston for Los Angeles Saturday morning.