Author Topic: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch  (Read 243558 times)

Offline JayUtah

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2018, 09:31:28 AM »
I just have a few minutes right now, so I'll touch on a couple of topics briefly and then address the rest later today.

That's why Jay said that the deflectors generate a small inward force in the process of deflecting the plume outward.

Geometry matters, and our poster doesn't seem to understand the math.  The only force that's relevant to the stability problem is the one that's normal to the deflector surface.  The deflectors are angled to aim that force in a direction that's neutral for stability.

But that force is small, because much of the plume misses the deflector. And as Jay said, the deflection angle of the gas that does hit it is fairly small.

The strength of the force is proportional to the sine of the angle made by the plume axis and the plane of the deflector.  Unlike straight-up thrust, the strength of the force of an impinging fluid stream is also proportional to its mass density which is non-trivial for a rocket plume, as you illustrate.  We have three basic ways to parameterize the general impingement model:  volume flow rate plus mass density, mass flow rate, and area plus mass density.  The third one is what's appropriate here, since both density and area are irregular.  The exhaust is, at this point, a quickly dispersing gas.  It has a low mass density.  The deflector is not intended to deflect all the plume, just the part of it that would have otherwise impinged on sensitive structure.
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Offline JayUtah

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #46 on: December 14, 2018, 09:46:47 AM »
The CSM RCS quads were not under the BPC, being about a third of the way down the side of the service module.

...and within the zone of boundary layer separation, thus protecting them from the supersonic slipstream.  The discontinuity where the conical command module becomes the cylindrical service module causes the boundary layer of air there to separate from the side of the service module.  You can see this illustrated by condensation around the stack during transonic flight.  The air in the immediate vicinity of the RCS quads is turbulent, not in laminar flow at high velocity.

This is an example of how many design factors contribute to where RCS jets can be located in a design, and underscoring that there is no "magical" placement for them such that any other position or configuration is dangerous or useless.  You can never place or configure RCS jets such that they have mission-wide optimal dynamics.  Thus no actual spacecraft design tries, nor relies on this being the case.

However, that doesn't mean they can't simply be engineered to be tough enough to survive those forces. That's the kind of detail that years of design and testing fixes....

This is where pictures don't do justice.  Part of the joy of my profession is handling the hardware.  You've never lived until you've had a shuttle-tile fight.  But more to the point, Marquardt made good products.  You can hammer nails with one of those jets.  Well, the nozzles are brittle, so you might chip one if you did that.  But they are solidly built from robust materials.  They're not going to be the least bothered by aerodynamic buffeting on the way up.
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline gwiz

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2018, 09:52:11 AM »
If plume deflectors are so problematical, why have all Harrier aircraft carried them for the last half century?
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Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #48 on: December 14, 2018, 10:26:46 AM »
The CSM RCS quads were not under the BPC, being about a third of the way down the side of the service module.

...and within the zone of boundary layer separation, thus protecting them from the supersonic slipstream.  The discontinuity where the conical command module becomes the cylindrical service module causes the boundary layer of air there to separate from the side of the service module.  You can see this illustrated by condensation around the stack during transonic flight.  The air in the immediate vicinity of the RCS quads is turbulent, not in laminar flow at high velocity.

Thank you, Jay, for another example of how 'just look at those things and where they are' is really not an adequate argument for any claims on performance.

You've never lived until you've had a shuttle-tile fight.

Right, where do I get leftover shuttle tiles from? I want this for my next office do!

But they are solidly built from robust materials.  They're not going to be the least bothered by aerodynamic buffeting on the way up.

And most of us here wouldn't expect them to be. It's a variation on the 'inflexible pressurised spacesuit' argument: It fails because it requires us to believe that the designers and engineers who built the thing somehow forgot about some basic requirements of functionality during the course of the mission. In the spacesuit case, that the person in it would need to be able to walk, bend and hold things while wearing it pressurised, and in this case that the RCS quads be able to withstand whatever forces they would be subjected to during launch.
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

Offline JayUtah

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #49 on: December 14, 2018, 11:51:47 AM »
Thank you, Jay, for another example of how 'just look at those things and where they are' is really not an adequate argument for any claims on performance.

Of course.  As you learn more about some subject, those questions come up legitimately.  "How are the RCS quads not torn off by the slipstream?" is an intelligent question on its face.  And it provides an opportunity to be taught things about fluid flow that you may not previously have known, such as Prandtl models.  But the problem with that in this forum is that we always stand in the gray area of such questions asked to solicit knowledge, and such questions asked rhetorically to insinuate a hoax.  I don't know if our poster knows this, but there is a separate part of the forum to discuss Apollo under the presumption that it really happened.  He has chosen to post in the section where people get to question it.  Consequently we have to choose our approach carefully.

And most of us here wouldn't expect them to be.

Sure, but if you're scrambling to find things wrong with it...

An often-forgotten fact is that the S-IVB had its own RCS, termed the APS.  And in the vehicle design it did have to be bolted onto the outside of the fuselage (otherwise it would have been immersed in cryogenic propellant).  And in that position it was drag-sensitive.  The solution?  It was in an aluminum fairing, as were the solid-fuelled ullage motors and the other stuff that had to stick out from the vehicle.  So if the CSM RCS was in a drag-heavy position, it would have been fitted with a jettisonable fairing, just like the BPC was for the CM itself.  This is not a hard design problem.

It's a variation on the 'inflexible pressurised spacesuit' argument: It fails because it requires us to believe that the designers and engineers who built the thing somehow forgot about some basic requirements of functionality during the course of the mission.

Right; it argues circuitously that engineering is no more than applied common sense, and that space engineering has some sort of mystique that must be respected.  The problem of a flexible high-pressure fluid conduit or container didn't just spring out of the bushes when it came to space suits.  Go to any construction site and look at a 300-series Caterpiller excavator.  See those rubber hoses out on the arm?  Those rubber hoses bear more than 3,000 psi hydraulic pressure, and they bend just fine and don't balloon out to unserviceable diameters.  That's because the notion of an embedded or annular restraint layer in a flexible conduit is hardly a new solution in engineering.  We had to solve the problem long ago of balancing flexibility with constrained spaces.

Further, the notion of separating problem requirements into different solution spaces is what engineers do.  Humans generally don't think naturally this way.  But they can be easily taught to do so, and with practice it will become second nature.  One particular company's solid rocket motor design effectively separates the thermal requirements of the design from the pressure requirement.  The thermal "bottle" that holds the burning fuel is wrapped in Kevlar.  The bottle material is good at keeping heat where it's supposed to be.  The Kevlar is good at keeping pressure where it's supposed to be.  The way they wrap the Kevlar is a trade secret, which is why you won't see it published in the literature.  The guy who designed the wrapping process and the machinery to do it would very much like to retire at this point, but they just keep adding zeros to the number on his paycheck, so he stays on.  He's one of the guys that hooks me up with flown hardware as trinkets.  Technically such pilfering is forbidden, but what are they gonna do?  Fire the guy?
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline bknight

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #50 on: December 14, 2018, 11:53:22 AM »
The CSM RCS quads were not under the BPC, being about a third of the way down the side of the service module.

...and within the zone of boundary layer separation, thus protecting them from the supersonic slipstream.  The discontinuity where the conical command module becomes the cylindrical service module causes the boundary layer of air there to separate from the side of the service module.  You can see this illustrated by condensation around the stack during transonic flight.  The air in the immediate vicinity of the RCS quads is turbulent, not in laminar flow at high velocity.

Thank you, Jay, for another example of how 'just look at those things and where they are' is really not an adequate argument for any claims on performance.

You've never lived until you've had a shuttle-tile fight.

Right, where do I get leftover shuttle tiles from? I want this for my next office do!

But they are solidly built from robust materials.  They're not going to be the least bothered by aerodynamic buffeting on the way up.

And most of us here wouldn't expect them to be. It's a variation on the 'inflexible pressurised spacesuit' argument: It fails because it requires us to believe that the designers and engineers who built the thing somehow forgot about some basic requirements of functionality during the course of the mission. In the spacesuit case, that the person in it would need to be able to walk, bend and hold things while wearing it pressurised, and in this case that the RCS quads be able to withstand whatever forces they would be subjected to during launch.

There must have 1000's of engineers working the problems that would exist in a mission.  Of course there will always be the outlier that everyone forgot or forgot to communicate with others, but all in all they did a great job on Apollo/Saturn.  All the launches only a partial failure in A6, leading to design refinements that corrected the detected flaws.  Then IIRC only one failure of any engine (A13) but the other engines burned longer to compensate.
My hat is off to those guys, and the guys involved in designing the remainder of the missions.
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Offline jr Knowing

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #51 on: December 14, 2018, 12:12:26 PM »
Hi, thanks again for the responses. But I have to say it is disheartening to see some responses. I am aware, myself included, we all have certain predispositions. But it is deflating to see immediate responses that clearly show no considered thought. I ask a simple (and I think reasonable ) question regarding RCS engines on the side of the CM. Immediately I am told they were covered. Are people not aware there are many photos on liftoff showing the exact opposite? I can't even get anyone admit that Apollo 17 landed beside a crater. I have come to you guys because of your knowledge. In any event, I attached some photos to show the A17 LM beside the crater. And again, I am 100 percent certain that Cernan (or anyone for that matter) would not intentionally land that close to a crater. So either Cernan (or Schimitt?) is very bad pilot or their visibility was extremely impaired.

One poster did pose an interesting question regarding why NASA would have bothered adding deflectors if the whole thing is a fake. I gave that question some thought in the past. And I came to the conclusion, the alternative would have been worse. People, (including many here I'm sure), would point out the engines were thrusting (including heat) directly on the lower stage of LM. That certainly would raise many questions. They did it briefly without deflectors on prior missions but landing on the moon would bring a lot more eyes to the project.

The photos I have attached are coincidently the reason I began to have questions about the Mission. And it has nothing to do with how the LM landed that we have been discussing. If anyone is serious of taking an unbiased look at the Missions, I suggest you examine all the A17 photos/magazines very closely particularly EVA 1. The pictures I have attached will lead to some unsettling conclusions. PM me, if you like. 

Offline VQ

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #52 on: December 14, 2018, 01:21:21 PM »
Hi, thanks again for the responses. But I have to say it is disheartening to see some responses. I am aware, myself included, we all have certain predispositions. But it is deflating to see immediate responses that clearly show no considered thought. I ask a simple (and I think reasonable ) question regarding RCS engines on the side of the CM. Immediately I am told they were covered. Are people not aware there are many photos on liftoff showing the exact opposite?

The CM RCS were under the BPC. The SM engines were not. You got one hasty answer and a number of other editors corrected the misunderstanding. Why are you focused on the one mistaken answer?

I can't even get anyone admit that Apollo 17 landed beside a crater. I have come to you guys because of your knowledge. In any event, I attached some photos to show the A17 LM beside the crater...

That's your "at least 3-4 feet deep", "very large crater"!? Small wonder no one knew what you were talking about. My impression is that that would not have been a safety concern during or after the landing - and most certainly not a bringer of "certain death". It was obviously the focus of some interest during the mission, though, since they photographed it a few times. Maybe we can review the surface journal to see if there was any measurement or discussion?

In the mean time, question to you. In your view if the A17 mission was a fabrication because no real mission would have landed so close to that feature, why did NASA build one into the set?

Offline Northern Lurker

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2018, 01:58:20 PM »
Hi, thanks again for the responses. But I have to say it is disheartening to see some responses. I am aware, myself included, we all have certain predispositions. But it is deflating to see immediate responses that clearly show no considered thought. I ask a simple (and I think reasonable ) question regarding RCS engines on the side of the CM. Immediately I am told they were covered. Are people not aware there are many photos on liftoff showing the exact opposite?

You are implying that members of this site are mineless drones brainwashed by NASA. When actually one member made a mistake...

Which is why they were under the boost protective cover (BPC).  If you don't understand something, ask.  Don't assume that the people who worked on Apollo were stupid or risk takers, or that you have discovered some inconsistent detail that proves it was fake.

...another immediately corrected it...

The CSM RCS quads were not under the BPC, being about a third of the way down the side of the service module.

However, that doesn't mean they can't simply be engineered to be tough enough to survive those forces. That's the kind of detail that years of design and testing fixes....

...And finally the resident aerospace engineer explains why

The CSM RCS quads were not under the BPC, being about a third of the way down the side of the service module.

However, that doesn't mean they can't simply be engineered to be tough enough to survive those forces. That's the kind of detail that years of design and testing fixes....

Since the mistake was identified and corrected before you even mentioned it, in my humble opinion, you are just poisoning the well.

I can't even get anyone admit that Apollo 17 landed beside a crater. I have come to you guys because of your knowledge. In any event, I attached some photos to show the A17 LM beside the crater. And again, I am 100 percent certain that Cernan (or anyone for that matter) would not intentionally land that close to a crater. So either Cernan (or Schimitt?) is very bad pilot or their visibility was extremely impaired.

Yes one leg of the LM is in a crater which is little bit deeper than landing pad. Do you actually mean that was a deadly threat?

Also yes, there is a crater near the LM. How close it is? How do you decide that it is too close? How deep it is? How large variations in depth LM's legs could absorb? Is the crater deeper than that? These are direct questions and I expect them to be answered. I think Cernan saw the crater near a good landing site and decided to land while keeping adequate distance from the crater.

Using your backing up a car analogy: I visited local IKEA today. I backed up my car into a convenient parking space between two other cars. My car doesn't have parking sensors or back up camera. While parking I was using myself as a closed loop control system: I decided where I want to be, started backing up, monitored my progress using mirrors and adjusting my driving accordingly until I was where I wanted. Despite having two deadly cars only 30 cms on my both side  :o


Offline jr Knowing

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2018, 02:04:00 PM »
Hi VQ,

I think you need perspective to understand the size of the crater. The strut supporting the LM leg is 4 feet 10 inches off the ground. Are you suggesting the main descent engine nozzle coming down on the raised crater edge would not have created a significant, if not, catastrophic outcome?

I did not say the A17 mission was a fabrication because they would not have landed that close to the crater. What I did say however is the pictures I attached if examined with the other A17 photos (particularly EVA1) you will come to some unsettling conclusions.

Offline bknight

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2018, 02:38:33 PM »
Hi VQ,

I think you need perspective to understand the size of the crater. The strut supporting the LM leg is 4 feet 10 inches off the ground. Are you suggesting the main descent engine nozzle coming down on the raised crater edge would not have created a significant, if not, catastrophic outcome?

I did not say the A17 mission was a fabrication because they would not have landed that close to the crater. What I did say however is the pictures I attached if examined with the other A17 photos (particularly EVA1) you will come to some unsettling conclusions.

I'm not sure where you are going with this, but A15 descent engine bell came into contact as was bent by the collision.  In my search it is fourth from the left.  There may be better images in the Lunar Surface Journal.

I don't understand where the strut being 4 feet 10 inches has any discussion value other than it is probably true.  Are you indicating the pad was not in contact with the Lunar surface?
Again the Lunsr Surface Journal will have all the images.

ETA:  Zakalwe has a much better image of the damage.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 02:41:17 PM by bknight »
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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #56 on: December 14, 2018, 02:39:03 PM »
Hi VQ,

I think you need perspective to understand the size of the crater. The strut supporting the LM leg is 4 feet 10 inches off the ground. Are you suggesting the main descent engine nozzle coming down on the raised crater edge would not have created a significant, if not, catastrophic outcome?

Why do you think that this was not anticipated? The landing procedure called for the engine to be cut before final touchdown to address this very issue. From A15 the DPS bell was extended to raise the engine efficiency to counter the increased mass of the J missions.  The engine bell on A15 DID hit the ground hard enough to buckle the nozzle. No significant, or indeed catastrophic outcome was the result.

{edit} I was ninja'd by bknight' speedier typing fingers!
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline bknight

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2018, 03:01:26 PM »
jr: did you know that the struts collapse on landing, a maximum of 32 inches, which lowers the center of mass and makes it harder to tip over. 
You don't know what the Gene was thinking when he landed.  I showed and image of the landing site and it looks like he did a good job of guiding the LM between the small and large craters.  You should give him more credit than you do.

Page 11.
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Offline JayUtah

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #58 on: December 14, 2018, 03:39:07 PM »
And I understand everyone's convictions and their solid understanding on these subjects.

Do you understand that conviction in this case is born of solid understanding?  As in, a professional level of understanding?  As in, I can list the actual spacecraft and actual launch vehicles that I've worked on, and I can speak of their design problems not from the position of having read about them in web sites and on books, but from the position of having had to solve them myself and be on the hook for the validity of those solutions?  For some of us here, space engineering was thoroughly demystified a long time ago.  We don't look at these problems, or the products of their solutions, and allow the mist in our eyes to blind us to how it all actually works.

It is common for hoax claimants to think that believing in Apollo is an act of national pride, or devotion to a cause, or a knee-jerk reaction.  In other words, it is common to attribute belief to an emotional need.  In this case it is not true.  Belief here is a matter of knowing the relevant facts and drawing logically valid conclusions from them.

And I respect everyone's position.

No, I don't think you do.  You're being taught by people who actually do for a living the things you're reading about.  You present questions of the sort that a reasonable student of the field would present.  But when you are given the correct answers from the field, your response is, "No, I still think what I've said presents a genuine problem."  If you really respected our position, you would thoroughly understand where it comes from and do more than simply repeat your concerns and demand that they be reconsidered.  In many cases our answers correct the wrong assumptions and misconceptions upon which your concerns are based.  When that happens, and a rationale has been given for it, you don't simply get to insist that your assumptions and misconceptions must remain in force.  Yet on some of your questions that's what you're doing.  It often doesn't take much "considered thought" to recognize the same wrong assumptions hoax theorists have been bringing to the table for years, and to give a proper rebuttal in the form of challenging the assumption.

First I would like to point out I meant to say positive feedback loop not negative.

Very well.  Since I don't know you very well yet, I'll accept in this case that you misspoke.  But be warned:  if you plan to base further arguments on the premise that you are well-versed in the relevant science, and if the aim of those arguments is to suggest that Apollo was somehow staged or lied about, then the professional scientists and engineers in this forum will grant you zero further quarter for errors of this sort.  One of the ways we will know whether your premise is true is whether you can speak correctly about the underlying sciences in the correct language.  I hope you realize that you can't bluff your way past this audience.

Now that we've agreed on the direction of convergence, do you wish to pursue your argument?  Yes, feedback is something to beware of in any closed-loop control system.  What can you tell us specifically about the lunar module's autopilot and how it handled feedback of the kind you mention?  Your argument so far is merely handwaving.  You raise an abstract concern, but you don't connect it to any observable circumstance or to any particular failure or omission in the design that would make your concern operative.  You're begging the question that the LM DAP couldn't handle feedback.

With regards to the deflectors, I still think people should not dismiss this issue.

No one has dismissed it.  Rather, they have patiently, and in suitable detail, pointed out why your proposition that the deflectors would make the LM unstable assumes things that do not hold.  The effects on stability are all modeled as moments in the framework of a generalized solution.  Intentional effects include those caused by steering vanes in atmospheric flight or reaction wheels and jets.  Unintended causes include fuel slosh, fuel depletion, staging, the jettison of expendable components, or outside impacts.  Even flexing from variations in heating creates behavior that can be modeled this way.  All this just goes into the pot.

Modeling the effect of an RCS plume impinging on the plume deflector is no different.  It's just another input for the overall guidance model.  I walked you through a first-order modeling exercise.  It's not clear whether you did any such modeling, but I'm guessing you didn't.  You seem to have merely assumed that the moments it generated were significant and unplanned.  I have refuted that assumption using the same principles of engineering that would have been used by the scientists and engineers designing the plume deflectors.  You have not challenged those principles or my employment of them.  You seem to be asking that we just set them aside and agree instead with your irrational fears.

As one poster rightly pointed out, because of the deflectors, stability required the engines to be fired in pairs.

If I'm that poster, then I made no such claim.

In the RCS configurations favored by most practical designs, sets of thrusters operating in concert or opposition offer several design advantages, although naturally at the cost of greater complexity and mass.  The LM could effect very spritely yaw moments using four thrusters, or more sedate yaw moments using only two thrusters.  The implied symmetry would be a requirement for a spacecraft whose mission could not tolerate translation residuals.  I pointed out that the LM can tolerate such residuals, and that in fact the effect of any such residual would be lost in the noise of all the other translational maneuvers the LM was already doing.  As such, the LM can maintain yaw control with only one of its four relevant thrusters operating.

The plume deflector does not alter this dramatically.  What I pointed out was that when the RCS was operated in the intended way, the effects of the deflector summed and canceled out in a particular way that was neutral to stability and guidance.  It's a matter of explaining what would happen under common conditions, not insisting that those conditions had to hold.  The plume deflectors did not alter whatsoever the way in which the RCS jets were commanded.

It also needed to be perfectly balanced...

Nonsense.  No spacecraft is ever flown presuming that the principal thrust operates exactly through its center of mass.  You propose that you are familiar with the field, but you keep relying upon layman's misconceptions.

...according to the MIT paper, which I will find.

Yes, you do that.  You have made several references to offerings in the literature that you say support your belief, but you haven't produced a single one of them.

I and others here are very familiar with the documentation from the Draper lab that lays out the generalized model of guidance and how it was specifically implemented for the lunar module.  You seem to have come away from those documents with an understanding that differs markedly from that of others, and more closely resembles the simplifications laymen commonly find.   Further, many of us here can also quote chapter-and-verse from such standard references as Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Spacecraft Dynamics and Control, which provide alternative models (the first reference) or expand the general stability model -- at book length -- to practically any conceivable problem one could have in controlling a spacecraft (the second reference).  So when you suggest that the literature supports you, we can confidently say, "No, it does not."  Until you provide actual references, we cannot determine why you think they do.

Do you not think that would present a problem? Changing fuel, moving astronauts etc.

You seem to think these were problems that hadn't been faced and solved in rocketry long prior to Apollo.  As I told you before, there is no sudden mystique in Apollo or its lunar module that somehow invalidates the general guidance model.  Of course anything that relocates the center of mass or imposes a moment would "present a problem" for stability.  But only a naive analysis would assume that there isn't a straightforward, generalized solution to all of them.  No rocket scientist ever assumed his center of mass would stay put in his design.  No rocket scientist ever assumed that unexpected moments would not arise.  Nobody has ever designed assuming such ideal conditions.  Once you relax the assumption that the center of mass will never be fixed, then you stop caring what specific things might make it change.  And once you relax the assumption that the only moments will be those you command, then you stop caring what specific causes might arise.  And when someone asks, "Aren't you concerned at all these special new things the lunar module had to contend with?" the answer is, "If I can model them in the standard guidance model, then no."

Also what if any of the RCS's failed? They had failed prior to A11. Yet they had no backups on these 7 flights.

Of course they did.  Just perhaps not something you immediately recognize as a "backup."  I'm guessing by "backup" you mean a fully-redundant set of jets in compatible locations to the primary, thrusting in generally the same directions as the primary.  That's a reasonable first pass at redundancy.  The problem with most laymen's attempts to second-guess Apollo designs is that they have only thought of these first-pass solutions.  Or stated more generally, they think that the way they would have designed Apollo is the way any conscientious engineer would have done it.  From that follows the accusation that if a design doesn't seem common-sensical in that way, it is somehow suspect.

If you've seen the error and error-rate state diagrams for a single DAP channel, you will have seen how the control laws were derived for each envelope in the diagram.  The output from the control law is either "do nothing" (i.e., within the deadband) or "command rate-positive" or "command rate-negative."  How the rate commands get interpreted by the RCS controller is another matter.  Nominally an LM DAP command to "yaw positive, best rate" would be interpreted by the RCS controller in terms of firing four thrusters.  The controller knows which thrusters are in an operable state because it has either detected their failure, or the pilot has switched a jet off.  In this case, the RCS controller "knows" (i.e., has been designed) that it can execute the command with up to three of the relevant thrusters inoperative.  In this highly-degraded condition, the DAP will note that the error rate is changing more slowly than usual, but as long as it is moving in the right direction to the set-point value, it will patiently wait for that to occur.  The pilot will feel this simply as sluggishness in the yaw motion.  Only if the RCS controller has all four yaw-relevant thrusters out will it signal an exception that would need extraordinary attention from the computer or pilot.  That's an unbelievable degree of redundancy in the yaw channel.

Okay, consider the pitch channel.  Again nominally, the RCS controller responds to a DAP command "pitch forward" by firing four thrusters -- two firing upward in front and two firing downward in back.  This produces a forward pitch moment, and a desired pitch rate.  What if one of those fails, let's say the one just outside the pilot's window.  The RCS is told not to use that jet, either by its own detection or by the pilot's command.  The built-in combinatorial logic then inhibits the co-pilot's side jet too.  A "pitch forward" command is answered by firing the jets in the rear quads only.  Ditto for left and right roll.  "But," you might say," doesn't that also result in thrusting upward as an unwanted translation -- a residual?"  And the answer is, "Yes, but we don't care."  In the LM's case, the 800 N of accidental additional thrust is lost in the 30,000 N of thrust from the DPS along the same axis.  If that were a problem, then the DPS senses a drop in the descent rate and throttles the DPS back a little to compensate.

Okay, for nits and giggles let's also fail the downward-squirting thruster on the pilot's side.  The combinatorial logic in the RCS controller does not inhibit the companion thruster on the co-pilot's side because it "knows" (i.e., is in a combinatorial-logic state that expresses degraded operation) that it would be otherwise unable to create forward-pitch moments at all.  So it goes ahead and fires that jet alone.  And the layman might rightly say, "Yikes!  It's so off-center it's going to throw the vehicle off-kilter."  Well, yes and no.  The advantage you gain by decoupling all the control channels as we do is that the last remaining control action -- our second fallback configuration -- is still able to answer Yes when the DAP tells it to pitch forward.  Even with two jets gone, we can still pitch the vehicle.  "But what about the obvious left roll this will also cause?"  That's the roll channel's problem.  The DAP told us to pitch forward, and we have a thruster configuration that can at least do that.  The DAP is also perhaps wanting us to keep an even keel in the roll channel, so when it notices an error rate there, it will send additional "roll right" commands to the RCS controller.  And depending on the situation, the thrusters that would respond to those commands might be in perfect working order.  I would expect a beginning electrical engineering student to take about an hour to design the RCS controller circuit that could satisfy these constraints.  In fact, a simplified version of it one of my interview questions for certain kinds of engineer.

The point is that the configuration that's already there in the LM provides a considerable amount of redundancy if you just think carefully about what you can do with it.  The key, again, is the single-mindedness of the individual channel controllers.  The layman's approach to designs like this is often to lump the whole control problem together into a single monolithic solution.  The engineer decouples and disentangles until he's left with a set of individual problems, each of which is individually simple to understand and address.

The secret is that these cross-control scenarios, where a commanded pitch maneuver might have residual consequences in roll and/or yaw, are the rule, not the exception.  Remember I said it is not possible to have a fixed RCS installation that is also ideal for all control axes.  With careful mechanical design you can minimize those residuals.  But the student needs to be vigorously disabused of the notion that RCS systems he will actually design and build, and which will actually fly on spacecraft, exhibit any of the abstract niceties we allude to in illustrative drawings.  Even very simple commanded actions will produce "impure" patterns of thruster fire.

Now we're not disregarding the significance of degraded performance or out-of-tolerance inputs.  The generalized guidance solution presumes limits on moments, whether imposed or commanded.  When we can predict them, we can set reasonable design requirements.  But those requirements presume what we're trying to do.  Performance that's required to land safely on the Moon is allowed to be higher than other levels of performance the design can meet which are concerned merely with survival.  You might, for example, need to use the LM to control the docked CSM/LM stack, something it wasn't intended to do.  You can "control" it, but not very well.  Certainly not well enough to do all the things you originally built the spaceship to do.  But maybe well enough to get home, which is not necessarily as hard a problem.  Similarly a damaged LM RCS might not be up to snuff if the requirement is to make a pinpoint landing on the Moon.  But it can satisfy the requirements of getting to any stable abort orbit so that the CSM can swoop down and rescue it.  Not all the engineering of Apollo went into assuring mission success at all costs.  Much more of it, in fact, went into being able to recover non-fatally from missions that fail.  You fly six or seven missions so that not every one of them has to succeed.  And if something happens that violates a mission rule (e.g., "You must have all 16 RCS jets functioning on the LM prior to DOI") then you still have reserve capacity to get home.  Not to fly loop-de-loops, but to get home.

Quote did the RCS's nozzles not get torn off the Saturn on liftoff.

As previously stated, because they were in the turbulent boundary layer separation zone.  They required no fairings.

...those small nozzle cups facing up not to get torn off.

How far did you take the mathematics of this concern to convince yourself it would be a problem?  Did you do any calculations?  Or did you just look at the picture and jump to a conclusion? 

Even if they were not torn off, they could have been easily damaged or compromised.

How easily?  In what kind of scenario?  By what anticipated cause?

Engineering -- especially aerospace engineering -- is not merely unbridled alarmism.  One doesn't provide corrections for conditions that aren't a problem, because the corrections themselves often bring parasitical problems along with them that you could avoid by simply tolerating the condition.

It's easy to find pictures of these jets.  If you live near San Diego, you can see one in person.  And a lucky few like me, who practice the profession, have held them and hefted them in our hands, and consequently have a very visceral understanding of how robust they are.  I seriously believe I could hammer a nail with one.  Ram air gets choked at the nozzle throat, so the structure behind it is relatively protected.  The diaphragms of the solenoid valves are deep inside tubes leading to the thrust chamber.  The only thing ram air would hit is the Inconel pre-ignition chamber, which is exceptionally robust.  (That's what they make jet engine turbines out of.)  And that's really the bottom line:  even if the RCS jet were in the laminar flow -- which it isn't -- that's nothing compared to thermal, shock, and pressure abuse it takes simply by doing its job as a rocket motor.

So let's say that we provide a jettisonable fairing for it out of an abundance of caution.  That then becomes yet another thing that has to work perfectly for the mission to proceed.  The RCS jet is protected against the extremely unlikely event of its being damaged during boost, but then what if it won't pop off on command?  Mission rules say you need all 16 SM RCS jets working in order to go to the Moon, because you might need full CSM maneuverability to rescue the LM, or to align yourself precisely for LOI-1,2 and TEI.  So with that snafu you'd have to simply come home.  That would also be true if you lost an unprotected jet on ascent, but that doesn't ever happen.  That's to say, it happens seldom enough that that's the acceptable risk, over the correct performance of an RCS shroud.

That seems quite the risk NASA took given the RCS's had no backups.

Or perhaps your assessment of risk suffers from an alarmist view of the circumstances and your inability to see the full ingenuity of the solutions these professional engineers at the tops of their careers came up with, in an industrial era dubbed the Golden Age of Aerospace.
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

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Re: Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Pre-Launch
« Reply #59 on: December 14, 2018, 03:44:58 PM »
Hi Guys,
I respect your opinions. I believe a crater like the one seen in A17 could cause a significant issue. I also believe a pilot would not deliberately land this close to a crater given a choice. That says to me they had a visibility problem. Others obviously feel differently. No big deal. Just wanted to point it out as example of what I believe is LM visibility problem.

I am actually interested in everyone's thoughts of those A17 photos. I reattached the first two I posted. I believe it shows everything you need to make a proper assessment of the legitimacy of A17 photos. Pay particular attention to the crater, the footprints in the foreground, the footprints in the background, background rocks and the hills, and especially the fender on the ground in the background (to the left of LM leg halfway back in the background). (And before anyone suggests that isn't a fender, there are many hi Res colour pics that show it to be a fender)

 I have attached another photo to help everyone along. It is from A17 EVA 1. It should get you started on a journey. Take your time, be diligent and be cognizant of Mission timelines.  I appreciate well reasoned responses even if it goes against my thoughts.