Hi lovely rational people (I hope!),
I've just joined the forum as my membership was finally accepted (I was on a gmail account, bit of a problem so one of the members told me!). I'm looking forward to delving into some of the information here, it looks like a wonderful resource!

As means introduction, here is something I put together for the 7th anniversary of Armstrong's death in August to celebrate Apollo 50th and to promote science, logic, reason and critical thinking. I focus on what I think is some of the best evidence for the Moon landings and one which is not very well known outside of forums such as this one, the amazing correlation of the LRO data with the 16mm DAC footage shot out of the LM pilot's window. I then touch on some of the reasons why conspiracy theorists find it hard to think critically or assess evidence correctly, due to the inherent cognitive biases which we all suffer from to a certain extent.
Sorry it's long, I think it's ultimately informative and I hoped to make it entertaining too. I do take the piss out of Moon landing deniers quite a lot in it! Hope someone enjoys

P.S. Ignore the slightly clickbaity title, we all know there are thousands of mutually reinforcing pieces of evidence, I just happen to find this particular one the most enjoyable to demonstrate. It's worth watching before anyone starts saying "You will never convince a Moon landing denier!" - I make these points throughout the video. The focus of the video is firmly on the ridicule of deniers whilst also giving other people the confidence to point and laugh at them too