The effect of space radiation on filmTable Vl. Time Spent by Sample Cassettes in Different Locations
Canister Location1 Location2 Location4
Can1 52 hrs. 13rain. 0 hrs. 76 hrs. 14min.
Can2 75 hrs. 52 rain. 0 hrs. 52 hrs. 34 rain.
Can3 99 hrs. 7 rain. 2 hrs. 27 hrs. 20 min.
Can4 99 hrs. 7 min. 29 hrs.20 min. 0 hrs
Can5 99 hrs. 7 min. 29 hrs.20 min. 0 hrs
The actual rad(tissue) dose recorded per dosimeter location is shown in appendix A. The
dosimeter dosages are proportional to the dosage absorbed by flight film. The estimated
rad(tissue) absorbed by each canister as related to dosimeter dosages is as follows:
=Canister1 - 341 mrad
=Canister2 - 325 mrad
=Canister3 - 313 mrad
•Canister 4 (Bag)- 363 mrad
=Canister 5 - 363 mrad
The effectsof radiationfor STS-48 are apparentinthe final imagesproducedby the high
speed(above 400 ASA) flightoriginalfilms. The colorfilms,7296 and 5030, exhibitedan
increasein minimumdensityand a decrease incontrast. When seen inthefinal image,
shadowswouldappear grainyand ambiguousinthe darkerdetail. Flatnessinthe tonalrange
is theeffectofthe loweredcontrast. The blackandwhitefilms,5454 and5453, and color
negativefilm,6028, displayedidenticaleffectsonlyto a lesserdegree. Reversalfilm5020 was
notsignificantlyaffectedbythe radiation.All colorfilmsexhibiteda shiftincolorbalance. The
colorshifts,increasesinbase exposureand decreasesincontrast,are functionsofthe film's
representativespeed. While 6028 was the leastaffectedofthe negativefilms,it shouldbe
notedthat reversalfilm5020 showedthe leastapparentdamage (becausethe effected partof
reversalfilmis beyondthe usefuldensity"