With that one word, a telegraph operator on a desolate plain in Utah signaled the uniting of the country via railroad. I'm using it here in much the same way. Joseph Biden is now the President of the United States. Along the way, we saw the Pledge of Allegiance signed in ASL by a uniformed woman of color. This is the America I want.
I have a friend whose daughter is hearing-impaired, and I messaged my friend
immediately about that. Four years ago, there'd been someone signing in a Hillary Clinton commercial, and my friend's daughter used that as part of an impassioned plea to her father as to why voting for Clinton was so important. I suspect Jennifer Lopez spoke Spanish up there not because it was planned but because
she could, with the full support of the people there.
Meanwhile, in actual getting things done, I feel like the Biden executive orders about the pandemic have just been mostly "we have been begging for this since March." That it's still a relief . . . tells you something.
We had steak last night.