What is the purpose of a site purporting to debunk hoax claims, but there are few comments from hoax believers?
If they cannot take criticism of their pet theories and storm off in a huff, throw a tantrum in order to get banned, and/or attempt to delete all of their posts, that's not our problem, it's theirs.
You do want to convert hoax believers, do you not?
They have to want to convert. If all they want to do is present their pet theories and be placated, there is little we can do to change their minds for them.
I would like answers, which so far I am getting
Yes, when you actually ask questions.
if you want to advance belief in the Apollo programme.
We want to advance an accurate understanding of the Apollo program's technical and historical details, which many distribute falsehoods about.
If it was so uncontested around the world, this site wouldn't exist, would it?
If ignorance weren't the default state, schools wouldn't exist.
The question regarding NASA's image is very lengthy and will require some time to type.
As did this post, it would seem.
If you would prefer me not to post any other questions, inform me thereof.
On the contrary, it would seem most of the responses you have received are quite eager for your questions, rather than just promises of questions.
I will simply continue disbelieving, and posting my views on other sites and forums. It's up to you.
This sounds suspiciously like a "take my ball and go home" threat, under the assumption that your metaphorical ball is the sole object of our interest.