Author Topic: Thank you  (Read 16159 times)

Offline Morgul

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Thank you
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:10:02 PM »
I have been lurking here for some time, and finally decided that I needed to post a "Thank You".  I have been an avid follower of the space program since I was a kid, and it's always amazed me that people could actually believe that we did not land on the moon.  I have a strong background in Chemistry and Astronomy, so the science, the how's and the why's, have always made sense to me.
But coming here has really increased my understanding and appreciation of the Apollo space program.  It's always fun to watch a spurious hoax claim get shredded, but the additional information that you guys have and that you post makes every trip here an educational experience.  I've really learned a lot more about the evolution of the program and the operation of the Apollo and LM spacecraft.  I thought I knew a lot before, but I've come to realize I was lacking a LOT of knowledge and information, which you guys have provided.
So, for those of you who have worked on the space program, or who have all this knowledge that you're willing to share - thank you.


Offline Donnie B.

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2012, 04:41:21 PM »
I agree with every point you make and I echo your thanks to all the great contributors here.

The sad part (to me, anyway) is that it's all starting to feel more and more like ancient history, like we're all Civil War buffs or something.

I just wish I could be an Apollo reenactor!

Offline ka9q

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 05:47:58 PM »
You're most welcome.

One of the interesting things you'll notice if you hang around here long enough is how much many of us (or at least those of us who don't work in aerospace) have learned about space exploration in general and Apollo in particular because of hoaxer claims.

I've learned a great deal from researching responses even if the hoaxers I'm answering never do. Aside from helping to educate and inoculate bystanders against their nonsense, this is the main reason I do it.

Offline Glom

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 11:29:09 AM »
You're most welcome.

One of the interesting things you'll notice if you hang around here long enough is how much many of us (or at least those of us who don't work in aerospace) have learned about space exploration in general and Apollo in particular because of hoaxer claims.

I've learned a great deal from researching responses even if the hoaxers I'm answering never do. Aside from helping to educate and inoculate bystanders against their nonsense, this is the main reason I do it.


It's like Phil Plait says.  It's easier to use bad science as a jumping off point to discuss good science.  (Shame the mods at Cosmoquest don't appreciate that anymore)  The experience for me over the last decade has been that whereas before learning of the conspiracy theory I accepted the reality of Apollo, I now know the reality of Apollo.

Offline ApolloGnomon

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 11:57:32 AM »
I agree with every point you make and I echo your thanks to all the great contributors here.

The sad part (to me, anyway) is that it's all starting to feel more and more like ancient history, like we're all Civil War buffs or something.

I just wish I could be an Apollo reenactor!

As I understand it, Tom Hanks felt the same way after making Apollo 13, which lead to the docudrama miniseries "From The Earth To The Moon."

Offline bobdude11

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2012, 12:40:50 PM »
As I understand it, Tom Hanks felt the same way after making Apollo 13, which lead to the docudrama miniseries "From The Earth To The Moon."

 Interestingly enough, one of the Apollo astronauts or NASA crew was involved and said that when they did scenes in 'Houston' - he kept looking for the elevator because the control room was actually on the second floor. Shows how in depth and detailed Tom Hanks and his team were to meticulously recreate things. Even had everyone in the vomit comet ... if I am not mis-remembering - don't have the series in front of me at the moment - need to research some more to be certain of the statements, but this is what I remember ... :)
 Of course the eleveator thing could have been from Apollo 13 and Ron Howard ... what can I say, I am getting old and the memory is failing ...  ;D
Robert Clark -
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Offline DataCable

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2012, 09:22:37 PM »
Even had everyone in the vomit comet ... if I am not mis-remembering - don't have the series in front of me at the moment - need to research some more to be certain of the statements, but this is what I remember ... :)
A13 shot footage in the Vomit Comet, but FtEttM was all shot on the ground, if that's what you mean.
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Offline Obviousman

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2012, 06:31:55 AM »
I don't post much anymore, but it is for people like you that I do.

It seem hoaxers rarely will listen to reason, so it is for the lurkers that I post: helping you to not only understand the basic but also to learn some of the incredible technological wonder that was Apollo.

Offline bobdude11

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2012, 01:33:31 PM »
Even had everyone in the vomit comet ... if I am not mis-remembering - don't have the series in front of me at the moment - need to research some more to be certain of the statements, but this is what I remember ... :)
A13 shot footage in the Vomit Comet, but FtEttM was all shot on the ground, if that's what you mean.
That's it - thanks for the correction and clarification! :)
Robert Clark -
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"Everybody remember where we parked." James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, U.S.S. Enterprise

Offline gtvc

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2012, 07:57:45 PM »
I also like to visit this forum I grow up with the Apollo space program. When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut like Armstrong and go to the moon and for me is very sad to see the new generation of kids watching realities and believing whatever they find in youtube, is good this site exists so people can learn more about Apollo and other things  ;D

Offline RedneckR0nin

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2012, 04:27:09 AM »
Great post by the OP and I too share the sentiments you express. I am now a oil field consultant and photographer and have none of the scientific and mathematical background and capability like some here. All here are usually more than willing to explain things in a lament terms and more than willing to re-post the same bloody thing they have posted 5 times before all in the name of education and awareness of the greatest accomplishment of humanity! Great bunch of folks here!
We too can learn this if you research

Offline ka9q

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2012, 07:35:08 PM »
Interestingly enough, one of the Apollo astronauts or NASA crew was involved and said that when they did scenes in 'Houston' - he kept looking for the elevator because the control room was actually on the second floor
I know that NASA offered Ron Howard the use of an original Apollo control room but he eventually opted to build his own replica because he had to do things not possible in the original. In particular he needed 'flyaway' walls that he could remove to position a camera or lights to get a view that wasn't possible in the original room with its fixed walls and ceilings.

This is apparently very common in cinematography. When you see characters in a car, an airplane cockpit, spacecraft or some other cramped space, think about where the camera had to be to get the view you're seeing. It's often in some "impossible" location, embedded in the walls or even outside them, looking through them as though they were transparent.

Something like this in actual Apollo footage would be a dead giveaway of a hoax (directed by Stanley Kubrick, of course) but I haven't heard of a single claim of this nature. Just watch -- some hoax nut will see this and we'll have a dozen such claims within a week. All bogus, of course.

Offline bobdude11

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2012, 02:29:09 PM »
Interestingly enough, one of the Apollo astronauts or NASA crew was involved and said that when they did scenes in 'Houston' - he kept looking for the elevator because the control room was actually on the second floor
I know that NASA offered Ron Howard the use of an original Apollo control room but he eventually opted to build his own replica because he had to do things not possible in the original. In particular he needed 'flyaway' walls that he could remove to position a camera or lights to get a view that wasn't possible in the original room with its fixed walls and ceilings.

This is apparently very common in cinematography. When you see characters in a car, an airplane cockpit, spacecraft or some other cramped space, think about where the camera had to be to get the view you're seeing. It's often in some "impossible" location, embedded in the walls or even outside them, looking through them as though they were transparent.

Something like this in actual Apollo footage would be a dead giveaway of a hoax (directed by Stanley Kubrick, of course) but I haven't heard of a single claim of this nature. Just watch -- some hoax nut will see this and we'll have a dozen such claims within a week. All bogus, of course.
No doubt about that. I was just impressed that ron did such a good job, that he confused an ex-Astronaut for a second or two! :)
Robert Clark -
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"Everybody remember where we parked." James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, U.S.S. Enterprise

Offline smartcooky

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2012, 04:58:52 PM »
This is apparently very common in cinematography. When you see characters in a car, an airplane cockpit, spacecraft or some other cramped space, think about where the camera had to be to get the view you're seeing. It's often in some "impossible" location, embedded in the walls or even outside them, looking through them as though they were transparent.

Something like this in actual Apollo footage would be a dead giveaway of a hoax (directed by Stanley Kubrick, of course) but I haven't heard of a single claim of this nature. Just watch -- some hoax nut will see this and we'll have a dozen such claims within a week. All bogus, of course.

A really good example of this that I can recall is in the movie "Contact". Ellie is observing meteors and hears a crash inside her house. She goes inside and finds her father (who she knows has a heart condition) on the floor.

In the next shot, the camera precedes her as she rushes up the stairs, around two corners and into the bathroom where you see her open the bathroom mirror and reach in to get her father's medicine. Watch the scene from 21:20 through to the fadeout at 23:07.

The shot from 22:30 to 23:07 appears as one continuous shot, which of course is impossible since it is "shot" through a reflection in the bathroom mirror. The camera would not be able to see around the corners as Ellie came up the stairs, so it had to have at least one splice. While the "average Joe" might not pick this sort of thing up, a cinematographer would spot it immediately.
If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline Noldi400

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Re: Thank you
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2012, 12:57:36 AM »
Something like this in actual Apollo footage would be a dead giveaway of a hoax (directed by Stanley Kubrick, of course) but I haven't heard of a single claim of this nature. Just watch -- some hoax nut will see this and we'll have a dozen such claims within a week. All bogus, of course.

Well, the fake Apollo "spacecraft" had to be well sealed in order to hold the water they were floating in to simulate free-fall, don't cha know.

N.B.: For anyone who doesn't know me, no, that's not a serious claim - it's a sarcastic reference to Hunchy's theory that the shots were done underwater, with an actor wearing a Buzz Aldrin mask which contained breathing tubes.
"The sane understand that human beings are incapable of sustaining conspiracies on a grand scale, because some of our most defining qualities as a species are... a tendency to panic, and an inability to keep our mouths shut." - Dean Koontz