Author Topic: Good Morning  (Read 76447 times)

Offline Grashtel

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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #45 on: May 13, 2012, 01:10:40 PM »
Oh, that's just me expressing shock and astonishment as I try to imagine what it was that might have prompted that comment!

Did someone really delete 500 old posts?
Eeyup, well not sure if it was actually 500 but it was certainly a lot.  A poster that had been banned shortly before the incident complained to Proboards and got all their posts removed, which was the final straw in causing LO to transition things over to this forum
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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2012, 01:33:02 PM »
Eeyup, well not sure if it was actually 500 but it was certainly a lot.  A poster that had been banned shortly before the incident complained to Proboards and got all their posts removed, which was the final straw in causing LO to transition things over to this forum

Oh my, just like back in the Soviet Union, people just disappear and get erased from history :)  Except in this case, it was voluntary.

I guess there is something to be said for having it all under your own control . . .
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Offline Not Myself

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Re: Good Morning
« Reply #47 on: June 05, 2012, 03:35:56 AM »
Eeyup, well not sure if it was actually 500 but it was certainly a lot.  A poster that had been banned shortly before the incident complained to Proboards and got all their posts removed, which was the final straw in causing LO to transition things over to this forum

It seems like someone right now is making a pre-emptive strike, removing the posts before the banning (which has been threatened).
The internet - where bigfoot is real and the moon landings aren't.