The explanation by depressurisation has been given multiple times to you. Especially if you know the depressurisation took 3 times before it succeeded.
That's a start.
Let's test your hypothesis for viability, by adding specifics:
1. Why could it have been offscreen for 10 minutes prior to the first time it showed up.
2. What could have caused it's first visible motion to show up. (move TOWARDS LM) It stays on screen for 14 seconds... how?
3. Then it moves off screen for 22 seconds.. What options could explain this?
4. Then comes back on for 33 seconds... How?
5. Then back off for 92 seconds... how?
6. Then back on slightly for 5 seconds.
7. Then back on even more for 6 seconds.
8. Then back off for 2 seconds.
9. Then back On for 1 second.
10. Then back off - not to be seen again on this footage.
11. The final Off/On/Off - was quick and a bit wild. Much more than other movements.
For each movement in this sequence, need to provide ANY VIABLE explanation... just to show that one could feasibly exist, while also giving due consideration for the notes below.
Note: Decompression of the cabin went like this for EVA1:
1. 28 seconds => PSI 5.0 to 2.0 (1 PSI per 9 seconds) (100%)
2. 23 seconds => PSI 2.0 to 1.0 (1 PSI per 23 seconds) (40% rate)
3. 30 seconds => PSI 1.0 to 0.4 (1 PSI per 50 seconds) (18% rate)
4. 30 seconds => PSI 0.4 to ~0.1, near zero (1 PSI 100 seconds) (9% rate)