#1: so it would be on you to contact them with the appropriate details, don't you agree?
#2: Would you mind showing Baron's testimony about the "corruption involved with Apollo"?
#1: These are your kinsmen, you should police your own.
No matter, I sent them an email. See if they respond.
#2: Baron reported the "corruption of QA" within NASA -- even so poorly done at the "end of the pipeline" for the CSM itself.. So the QA/QC of Apollo was highly corrupted. And we have no record of any attempts to contact any names listed in his 500-page report -- which remains missing, and never mentioned again... as though it had never existed -- SAME as reported by the NASA site summary.
=== Corruptions he reported - because many of these are inexcusable for the mission they were claiming to be doing =====
Lack of coordination between people in responsible positions.
Lack of communication between almost everyone.
The fact that people in responsible positions did not take many of the problems seriously.
Engineers operating equipment instead of technical people.
Many technicians do not know their job. This is partly due to the fact that they are constantly shifted from one job to another.
People are lax when it comes to safety.
People are lax when it comes to maintaining cleanliness levels.
We do not make a large enough effort to enforce the PQCP.
People do not get an official tie-in time period.
We do not maintain proper work and systems records.
NAA does not give the working force a feeling of accomplishment.
There is not one procedure that I can remember that was completed without a deviation, either written or oral.
Allowing ill practices to continue when the Company is aware of them.
The constant transfer of QC and technical types of people to different types of tasks. Many of the techs will tell the QC man that they have never done that type of job before, or used that type of equipment before. This is one of the most prevalent problems NAA has.