#1: How could NASA reveal what was given to a congressional committee?
#2: ... rather than the more honest 'I don't know how it was done, and so will reserve judgement'.
#1: It was a report directly pertaining to NASA, and part of public record. So you think NASA wouldn't even care enough to read it? Or they read it, and said "oh crap" then Baron was dead 6 days later, and his report disposed.
This 500-page Disposal is a huge deal. It was supposed to become public record...
#2: Same for you -- you've already concluded that everything I believe is "wrong from the get-go" and that the only viable conclusion is the Apollogy.
I've seen enough so far, to believe "this is very fishy" -- and as I dig deeper, I find that "things I was told" aren't really so substantiated, and the bad stuff is all suppressed, hard to even find.
Just as the "whole narrative of society" has given you your beliefs. Mine were formed on seeing "too many holes in the story" -- too many reasons to suspect.. And then seeing how strongly Google/YT/FB/etc and the whole mainstream is setup to prevent most people from finding the "good MLH arguments" - motivates me more. This is a dangerous mechanism to accept. If you try to find any MLH support from Google/YT/FB, you'll never find anything but the "strawman arguments" - the bad MLH arguments, all debunked.
8-flag-motions - is not something Google/YT will allow you to find.
Did Myth Busters address the 8-flag-motions? Nope - they addressed the Strawman that "Flags can't wave like a pendulum in a Vacuum"-- pretending that THIS is the real MLH argument. They ignored the ONE argument about flags, for which there isn't a valid hypothesis to debunk it.
This kind of crap motivates me to try and discover the full list of "MLH claims that aren't viably refuted"... But even here, on a forum dedicated to "the Hoax" - I'm not allowed to start any of these new threads, to explore those claims.