Author Topic: Telematry Data  (Read 11300 times)

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2025, 08:15:23 PM »
1. NASA is presenting that only the A11 tapes were lost, right?  Has anyone looked for the other mission tapes?

The whereabouts of the other tapes are known, as Dwight has said.

2. I believe it was "never seen before on live TV" until AFTER he received these, around 2000 time frame.

Then you believe incorrectly.

Although I think Sibrel's interpretation is junkish, IMO, there is some suspicious activity going on here.  If we can find the source footage (again, it being scrubbed seems suspicious) - we could have a better discussion on it.

The footage in Sibrel's video was never 'scrubbed'. It is not the same material as on the lost tapes. Those contained only the lunar surface television, which was a different thing altogether from the television from the command module during the mission.
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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2025, 08:17:14 PM »
Are you sure you have done your research into the TV recordings? How can you claim there is suspicious activity when you havent even seen the original telecasts?
I studied it back in October, near the start of my quest-for-truth.   I found it on YouTube... but not being aware, yet, of the "scrubbing nature" that has been happening with evidence against Apollo, I didn't screen capture it...  I assumed I could return and see it again.

Went to go find the link and show you it missing.... but what do you know it's back again:

OK - we can have some discussion on this soon... It's been 3 months, so need to rewatch and reassess some things.

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2025, 08:19:10 PM »
1. The NASA report seems to indicate otherwise:

"Aside from a few canisters of Apollo 9 telemetry tapes still stored at the WNRC, the Apollo-era telemetry tapes no longer exist-anywhere."

If this is true, I consider this report itself to be another link in "NASA deception" intentionally trying to make it seem like ONLY A11 tapes were missing, when in truth they are ALL Missing except for a few canisters from A9.

But the Apollo 11 tapes are unique in the situation with regard to the television transmissions.

As Dwight has said, nothing of the television broadcasts from any Apollo missions is missing.
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2025, 08:24:53 PM »
1. What makes you think the full resolution post-Apollo 11 video is on the telemetry tapes?
2. It was not SSTV, it was sequential color full resolution NTSC (29.97fps) television. Recorded onto 2" tape at JSC.
1. I don't.  I only know that the A11 Report says "all tapes missing except a few from A9".... and if this is true, I find the whole presentation to be deliberately deceptive, as experience has repeatedly indicated that MOST TD's think it was only A11.  What is the truth about these other tapes?

2. Thanks for the clarification.  I believe the tech from LM was still classified SSTV though, but converted to NTSC, correct?  This seems to be what Wikipedia indicates.

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2025, 08:27:26 PM »
But the Apollo 11 tapes are unique in the situation with regard to the television transmissions.

As Dwight has said, nothing of the television broadcasts from any Apollo missions is missing.
I'll note your understanding.  If it is WRONG -- will you note that you were most likely "deliberately deceived"?   Because it should be EASY TO KNOW THE TRUTH, unless NASA is practicing some deception...  but they'd never do this.

I haven't finished research into this topic, other than the current believe that the A11 report itself appears to be notably deceptive... in not saying "ALL Mission Tapes were lost" (except A9's a few).

Offline dwight

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2025, 08:29:51 PM »
The truth about the videotapes is that they reside at JSC and their corresponding kinescopes at NARA.

What is decpetive about stating the TELEMETRY tapes are missing? You do know the difference between a telemetry recording and a videotape recording, right?
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Offline bknight

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #36 on: January 05, 2025, 08:33:45 PM »
But the Apollo 11 tapes are unique in the situation with regard to the television transmissions.

As Dwight has said, nothing of the television broadcasts from any Apollo missions is missing.
I'll note your understanding.  If it is WRONG -- will you note that you were most likely "deliberately deceived"?   Because it should be EASY TO KNOW THE TRUTH, unless NASA is practicing some deception...  but they'd never do this.

I haven't finished research into this topic, other than the current believe that the A11 report itself appears to be notably deceptive... in not saying "ALL Mission Tapes were lost" (except A9's a few).
It is you who is behaving deceptably from the report
By all accounts, the epic-like search has not ended as anyone had expected. The
searchers never found what they set out to uncover. Aside from a few canisters of
Apollo 9 telemetry tapes still stored at the WNRC, the Apollo-era telemetry tapes no
longer exist-anywhere. However, this disappointing discovery does not mean the
Herculean effort that spanned more than eight years ended in vain. The team
uncovered the best television-formatted recordings of the Apollo 11 moon landing and
has secured NASA funding to apply modern-day digital technology to dramatically
enhance the quality of these tapes
All telemetry tapes with the exception of A9 are lost.  Telemetry tapes were discussed by Jay in another thread are for the just data bits from various recording devices in the spacecraft, IIRC.
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Offline Mag40

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2025, 08:34:52 PM »
1. NASA is presenting that only the A11 tapes were lost, right?  Has anyone looked for the other mission tapes?
2. I believe it was "never seen before on live TV" until AFTER he received these, around 2000 time frame.
Your ignorance on this is as bad as anyone previous. There were three TV transmissions (on route to the Moon). Two of them were tests and on the freely available DVD/VHS boxsets were labelled as such. The fact that you suddenly entertain Sibrel, the biggest horse's arse imaginable is astounding. This liar took the transmissions and deliberately implied he had suddenly obtained "secret footage".

Although I think Sibrel's interpretation is junkish, IMO, there is some suspicious activity going on here.  If we can find the source footage (again, it being scrubbed seems suspicious) - we could have a better discussion on it.   "A Funny thing" snips it together in deceptive manner... I want the original footage which indicates mission time.

"You want"!? Do you? Your Apollo knowledge is useless. Even entry level enthusiasts know about these. Those of us who have the original VHS and geekily, the same DVD boxset, have seen every single minute of Apollo 11.

If you so much as hint at any more crap about Sibrel, totally debunked in every single thing he has ever uttered, the final semblance of credibility you cling to is gone completely.

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2025, 08:36:22 PM »
I'll note your understanding.  If it is WRONG -- will you note that you were most likely "deliberately deceived"?

No, because there is nothing deceptive. It is, as usual, your lack of understanding of the significance of those specific telemetry tapes that is the stumbling block here.
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2025, 08:53:02 PM »
I'll note your understanding.  If it is WRONG -- will you note that you were most likely "deliberately deceived"?

No, because there is nothing deceptive. It is, as usual, your lack of understanding of the significance of those specific telemetry tapes that is the stumbling block here.
Your position is noted.  I haven't done the added research.  For now, will take your word for it...  nothing significant on all of those A12-A17 tapes that were lost.  That is your stance, right?

Offline Mag40

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2025, 08:57:05 PM »
I haven't done the added research.
Everyone knows this.
nothing significant on all of those A12-A17 tapes that were lost.  That is your stance, right?
There were no tapes "Lost"! The data was recorded in various other formats.

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2025, 08:58:55 PM »
The truth about the videotapes is that they reside at JSC and their corresponding kinescopes at NARA.

What is decpetive about stating the TELEMETRY tapes are missing? You do know the difference between a telemetry recording and a videotape recording, right?
Yes.  But was under the impression that they were also interleafed together.  Currently, my understanding is that most of the video recordings we have is AFTER conversion... the pre-conversion tapes used to exist -- now they don't.

A12-A17 sent SSTV signals, which were converted to NTSC... original tapes lost?

One reason I'm here is to be "set straight" on certain things.   Echo Chambers do not provide accurate understandings.

So I'm hear to learn, and it seems to me you have considerable knowledge, and a willingness to teach.  Thanks in advance.

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2025, 09:01:31 PM »
Your position is noted.  I haven't done the added research.  For now, will take your word for it...  nothing significant on all of those A12-A17 tapes that were lost.  That is your stance, right?

My 'stance' is that there is no 'missing' television footage on those tapes, as Dwight has said. And as has also been explained, there is no missing TV footage on the Apollo 11 tapes either, only the raw signal from the unique TV system used for the lunar surface transmissions.
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

Offline najak

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2025, 09:06:00 PM »
My 'stance' is that there is no 'missing' television footage on those tapes, as Dwight has said. And as has also been explained, there is no missing TV footage on the Apollo 11 tapes either, only the raw signal from the unique TV system used for the lunar surface transmissions.
But the source signal tapes are missing? (before conversion to NTSC)

Was there any footage on the tapes that was lost, in a format that we no longer have?

And how do you know there wasn't footage that simply wasn't converted to NTSC?  (meaning that the source formatted tapes have footage no one has seen)

Offline dwight

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Re: Telematry Data
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2025, 09:08:13 PM »
Apollo 12 through 17 (and Skylab, ASTP and Shuttle up to 1987) all used sequential color full resolution 29.97 frames per second cameras. This signal was not needed to be scan converted in order to be viewable on a standard SD TV set - note: given the RGB filtering, the image luminance flickers (in conjunction with the differences in the seperate color channels). So, in order to have a full gamut color image, the sequential material was matrixed in a custom built color converter.

As evidence to the existance of these tapes, for example, recent color conversions were made of the Apollo 16 TV feeds (known for a fact, as I hold reference copies). These were made from the original recordings. The ASTP press conference exists as the monochrome pre-color converted recording. The separate Red Blue Green recordings for color TV from the missions exist as well.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2025, 09:14:36 PM by dwight »
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