you've demonstrated you don't trust the answers I just hand you
You think if you tell me the heat of combustion for A50+N2O4 that I won't trust it? Test it -- see if I believe you.
Typical experiments to measure heat of combustion use a calorimeter. I'm not seeing any cases of just figuring out it theoretically, although I'm guessing you can.
I do not now how to figure this from the compound equations alone. I looked at some molecular bond energies - but this didn't yield a reasonable result. So I'm stuck. The only resources I see online tell me to "burn some, and use a calorimeter"... but I can't seem to find any A50 - I'm all out.
You've handed me almost NO ANSWERS -- but the (good) ones you've handed me, I've accepted.
You are stalling to get to the end of this road - because you know you cannot give a reasonable refute to these Launch acceleration behaviors for the full 1 second.
Saying you think I won't believe you when you simply tell us the A50 combustion energy - is ludicrous. It's stalling, because the end of this road we're on, ends very badly for the Apollogy.