No, simple physics does not show the failure. Applying physics without the prerequisite understanding of of calculus and its relationship to Newtonian physics is the failure. Stockton Rush thought he could apply simple ideas. Say no more.
First off, I took and aced Calculus I & II at Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech. Then went on to Differential Equations I & II, and Linear Algebra. A's in all.
Here's my claim - if the Ascent module demonstrates a uniform acceleration of 4 m/s^2 for 1 second, then the Net Force on the Ascent Module can be calculated using F = m * a. If the Mass is 5000 kg, then the NET force must be 20,000 Newtons. So subtracting 1.62 m/s^2 for lunar gravity can yield the NET THRUST.
So if nobody can explain how this much NET thrust was achieved, then the acceleration remains "unexplained" (and the claimed Non-debunked).
Are you really disagreeing that you can have NET acceleration of 4 m/s^2 on 5,000 kg with LESS than 20kN of NET force?
This is the only thing I'm claiming. I backed off of this specific claim when made aware of Static Pressure component and then factoring that into my model, which could have produced a significantly higher EARLY acceleration, such that the remaining 1.4 m/s^2 of the rocket engine at steady state could carry it (nearly) the rest of the way in the final 0.5 sec of the first full second.
Previously, I was simply unaware of the signficance of this other force, nor in the practice of how to estimate/approximate it for the Lunar Module.
Even if I approximated it wrongly -- that's OK -- I concede. Without the Static Pressure component, nor the existence of a numerically supported Debunk -- I simply stood up this stickman to see if anyone here could shoot it down. This was NOT MY CLAIM - it's an OLD CLAIM -- for which I simply didn't see ANY debunk yet. I was simply calling this "NON-DEBUNKED" and going to document it that way. In the end, it was ME who debunked it -- because no one else could or would. The debunk wasn't hard; a concept I could teach an engineer how to do in about 15 minutes.
If it's not "Properly debunked" - that's OK with me. I'm satisfied from my simplified approximations, that such a Debunk is feasible.
If there was NO STATIC PRESSURE component - I believe this would have been slam-dunk proof of the hoax. I could have been made aware of this with a few paragraphs of good faith teaching.
I'd like to get your take on the two other threads, for which I have NOT conceded: 8 flag motions, and the A12 Dish Flinging.