My learning here, no thanks to Jay (as he could have simply said this in 5 seconds and it would have stuck) is that when a rocket engine is claimed to be about 60% efficient... this means "steady state" and indicates the amount of "Mechanical energy transferred into BOTH the Rocket and the Fuel"... not just the rocket.
In hindsight, this is obvious. A rookie mistake, and would have been simple and quick to correct, assuming Jay noticed my wrongful understanding.
When I saw 60% efficient, I assumed this meant "60% of combustion translates into AM mechanical energy" -- this is simply not the case. And if I saw someone making this mistake, I don't let them "linger in their mistake", I correct it. It's when they DON'T CATCH ON TO THE CORRECTION - that I start to make judgements about aptitude.
But this one will be used against me -- even though it should have been corrected by Jay when I first brought it up... and saved time.
Stalling, Schooling and posturing - is his goal. Or he's a terribly inefficient teacher. I had to discover this on my own, which took hours instead of 5 seconds. And this time waste didn't make me learn it any better. It just provided the Apollogists on this site, more fuel for discrediting me -- which was the obvious goal.