Now, would you be so kind as to stop stalling and get the hell on with this. I can't wait for the next steps in this process. Whilst I don't 100% understand them, they are gold dust for those who would like a grounding in the subject - and boy, that so includes you!
I've completed my part. Did the Heat Combustion calculations, and got some results. But without Jay saying "why is this needed".
The top level map of where we're going with this is ALWAYS done in engineering. This top level map has NOT been provided by Jay. He could simply say "here are the steps we're going to follow" and "here are the various potential concepts that could have a significant impact". No top level map is being provided -- just "here, jump through these hoops without me telling you the master plan."
In all my life, I've never seen an engineer who doesn't FIRST explain the top-level procedure they are going to follow, and state the top-level "possible options" they might need to explore. Jay has done neither of these. Which is why this process seems sabotaged on purpose... hindered, stalled, slowed down.
You say "Jay isn't going to do your work"... but he's spending a heck of a lot MORE effort doing this the very slow way.
More work - to get it done slower. This is how you behave when you don't want to get to the end of the road.
This is like when Eugene on the TWD sabotaged the bus so they couldn't reach DC. He didn't want to get there.