I checked through our 30 pages here, and see no such mention of "other significant contributors"
Thank you.
If I'm reading it correctly , I see your mention here of two other factors to examine:1. Ignition Transient behavior
2. Descent Platform - Rebound Shock wave.
Please confirm my understanding of what you wrote.So we have this Top Level view of Factors that do/could impact Thrust during the first 1-second:1. Normal Momentum Thrust + Pressure Thrust.
2. Static Pressure Thrust
3. Ignition Transient behavior
4. Descent Platform - rebound Shock wave.
Got anything else to add to this list?ALSO - SHOCKWAVE:Also for the "Shock wave" concept - please describe in better detail the nature of this contributor. Are you suggesting the platform bends and then snaps-back?
And in doing so adds acceleration in which of these two ways?
(a) striking the platform itself against the rocket nozzle exit? (like a hammer strike)
(b) OR, that the whole AM will "lower with the bend, and then be launched upwards from it?" (like a kid on a trampoline)
Is there any more to this theory than the above?