My question on Stack Exchange is related to another thread - not started yet - and maybe never started.
That doesn't stop the answer you received there from applying to your claims in this thread.
This topic is concluded here because in the end Rocket Science cannot break Newtonian physics within the context of a slow-moving closed system, nor the Law of Conservation of Energy. I started this topic with two missed concepts - thanks to there being NO SUPPORTED DEBUNK of this issue to date.
You started this thread pretending to be an expert and belittling anyone who disagreed with you, no matter how well supported their argument. I taught you
one new concept in rocketry, which took many pages thanks to your arrogance and bluster. Now you've decided that this one new thing you learned fully explains what you see in the video, so you've concocted yet another straw man around it that you can pretend maintains your illusion of genius. And now you're trying to preclude any further discussion and forge ahead with your Gish gallop to avoid having that illusion challenged.
Your approach seems to be to try to get out in front of every new idea with what inevitably amounts to a straw man conceived in ignorance. Instead of getting out in front of the idea, you get out over your skis and then try to get everyone to look the other way while you pick yourself up off the ground.
Static Pressure Thrust is a SPECIAL CASE in rocket science...
No, it isn't.
...that applies to this Ascent Module, approximated by SIMPLE FLUID DYNAMICS, simple algebraic equations.
You tell us you published your solution in spreadsheet form on Dec. 22, and according to my reckoning you presented that thrust model to a different forum on Dec. 29 and were correctly told you were making "many mistakes." Simplicity is a virtue only when it doesn't compromise correctness.
I am not interested in MARGINAL cases. This is now a marginal case.
It was always a marginal case, which you claimed had to be considered anomalous because it could not be explained in terms of your existing understanding, which was limited to simplifications of nominal cases. You don't get to pretend 30-odd pages later that you were never interested in the topic you raised. Your newfound disinterest is better explained by a realization that you're in over your head and that you desperately want to move on to fresh bluster.
We've entered the realm where only a rocket scientist could invalidate this launch acceleration, by stating that my "approximations of early acceleration" are invalid/unrealistic.
That happened.
At this point, the thread is concluded.
No, at this point you're trying to resign from the debate in a way that saves face and absolves you from having to demonstrate actual competence in the face of continued examination.
It wasn't hard. Didn't require a deep knowledge of rocket science... only Fluid Dynamics 101 (Week #1), algebra, trig, and basic calculus. Easy stuff for an engineer/scientist.
You evidently don't care whether Apollo was real or not. You clearly don't care whether you got the right answer according to a physically correct method. All you care about is that you can continue to pretend you're the smartest guy in the room. We know you know you're not, hence your humble pleading in a forum you thought we wouldn't see.
We, on the other hand, are interested in getting the right answer for the right reasons. So as long as that's still on the table, the discussion proceeds.
I concede, that from my standpoint, this is NOT proof of the hoax.
Why do you think that's all anyone should care about? For the bulk of this thread you've been baiting me into spoon-feeding you the answer under the pretense that we would reap honor and glory for having finally explained a vexing, long-standing anomaly. Now that you're on the illusory side of that explanation, it's suddenly unimportant to get it right.
I have other matters to bring up next. And now that I know the Salem-Witch-Trial manner of the magistrates in charge, I'll conduct my future threads accordingly.
I ask the Salem magistrates to bring up my next pieces of evidence for discussion.
You're not being judged unfairly. Stop whining.