So now "unexplained" flag movement equals hoax?
Sorry, "unexplained" flag movement equals "unexplained" flag movement, nothing more, nothing less.
I'm simply providing the evidences that I believe work to the favor of the MLH theory. Currently, I find this evidence to be more compelling.
Are you going to share this evidence? To date, all I can see is you saying the movement is "unexplained", and that you believe it could have been filmed in a studio. Well, where is the positive evidence to support your claim? Where is the evidence that a studio even existed? Who filmed it? Where? Who built the set? When was it filmed? Why, in over 50 years, have we not heard from anyone of the people involved?
Or, should we conclude that no HB has provided acceptable evidence as to how the flag moved, we can therefore claim the movement is undisputed that the flag is on the lunar surface? No, we conclude the flag is on the lunar surface because of the historical record of Apollo, being well aware that 50 years later, we do not, and never will, possess all the minute, intricate details that would provide a perfect explanation to every single event in the historical record (and to assume otherwise is foolish at best).