The forum doesn't have that capability, unfortunately. That's something I had looked into for Najak before imposing the "no new topics" restriction.
Jason and Jay have made good points. I guess none of us are forced to take part, and there are those claimants who might have new or interesting ideas or just want clarification and are acting in good faith. We should be seen as inviting and cordial and open to questions, otherwise perceptions shift to us being a non-inclusive club. The forum is also self-moderating. There's little foul mouthed abuse, and we hold each other to account when casting aspersions on claimants. I've been pulled up for remarks I have made on a couple of occasions by other members. This sheds good light on us. We want to avoid the aggressive nature and block and ban that less desirable hoax proponents operate.
Also, there's the non-STEM aspect. A test would preclude membership to those who have proficiency in other fields
I have set out my thoughts regarding najak calling it moon hoax theory, namely the theory was proposed by Bill and Ralph. Those initial claims have been debunked. Ergo, the proposed theory is wrong, case closed.
The shifting goal posts in threads and the constant evolution with new claims is tiresome though. A majority of claimants can quite easily be shown that Bill and Ralph were outliers in many aspects. It's a case of how do you close the door quickly on some, and not others who simply have questions.
The current format does have merits such as education for us, and a record of the unreasonable behaviour of others.
It just bugs me that the thousands of people involved in putting those astronauts on the moon, and let's not forget the returning them to Earth part, are besmirched by the arrogance and self-aggrandizing of others.
I'm OK on my laptop with a browser setting of 125%, any higher and I get scroll bars. When I connect my laptop to my monitor, I'm fine.