If you just speed it to 2X, you'll see that the IMPULSE ALSO is DOUBLED.
No. If you double the speed the energy imparted is significantly more than doubled. If you can't understand why then perhaps your grasp of physics is not as good as you think.
Your statement is confused. Yes it's 4x the Energy, but STILL only DOUBLE the IMPULSE. Impulse is proportionate to MOMENTUM, not energy. If you double the speed, the impulse is only doubled. And the distance traveled will also double. If you filmed something on earth, e.g. someone kicking sand, then simply played it back at 40% - it would almost EXACTLY look the same as on the moon -- except for the impact of atmosphere....
Air resistance is an acceleration force, and so it's overall impact on distance is a function of Time-Squared - but on earth, the dust travels to it's destination in 0.3 seconds total, and so the T-squared factor at the termination of the motion is 0.09. It doesn't have much time to have much impact on the final distance.
With Dust, the matter of figuring air resistance is trickier, because it's a cloud of dust -- the front particles break wind for the back particles.... so the back particles experience less resistance.
For the dust to travel 2 meters in 0.3 seconds, the average speed only needs to be about 6.7 m/sec or about 15 mph (4 minute mile pace, not even a sprint). Nothing about this is "non-feasible" for Duke to kick this dust 2 meters.
You are welcome to do some image analysis here, to try and prove your point.
Your misunderstanding of the relationship between Impulse and Speed - indicates you don't have the grasp on physics that you thought.