Author Topic: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity  (Read 39552 times)

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Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« on: November 28, 2024, 05:55:24 AM »
How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.

Here's the best footage I could find, but it's not a NASA source:

I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.

I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.

Paolo Attivissimo's debunking site doesn't even mention this instance.

Offline Miss Vocalcord

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2024, 08:45:10 AM »
where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.

Classic conspiracist mindset at work. "I don't know anything about what I am looking at, but instead of doing a jot of research I will automatically jump to mystery and conspiracy". What an entirely tiring lens to view the world through.
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2024, 09:38:49 AM »
IIRC correctly, at the same time, the LM crew pull the breakers for the S-band, essentially turning it off. In addition, it's possible for mechanical devices to have a 'neutral' position that they occupy/return to when unpowered (essentially spring based, and when powered motors work against the spring), where they don't move much from, I would imagine for safety purposes in general (Clarke even used this as a plot device in 2001). If it was "hanging loose" and moves due to gravity, then how is the LM suspended? At the same time, you'll notice that the signal goes to pot, when the S-band on the LM is no longer being used, so the signal is routed through the CSM. And, for a final thought, once the S-band comes to rest, it doesn't move again, despite the LM continuing to change orientation.

Offline LunarOrbit 🇨🇦

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2024, 11:46:13 AM »
How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.

Here's the best footage I could find, but it's not a NASA source:

I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.

I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.

Paolo Attivissimo's debunking site doesn't even mention this instance.


I have removed your ability to create new topics until all of your other topics are resolved.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth.
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Offline Mag40

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2024, 12:44:11 PM »
How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.
You're supposed to be a physicist (gish gallup!) what is wrong with it exactly?
I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.
It's from the DAC 16mm footage, the clue being it was filmed in space.
I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.
A pathetic statement where you parrot a claim without verification.

Very simply, the dish breaks loose from the force of an RCS thruster.  Once the dish breaks from its connector, it sways about for around 2 seconds then it becomes perfectly still. The LM continues to move, rotates a full 90 degrees and the dish stays still. This actually demonstrates how it must be in space.

None of this DAC footage was broadcast on live television. The 16mm DAC camera was used and the film developed back on Earth.
There is just no way NASA would not have watched it through. During the event, it was discussed on the audio recording. They must have known about it.

So basically NASA decides to script a malfunction of the dish, discuss it on audio, then create the scenario to film this incident, and this, according to the crazy claim, when it "shows evidence of gravity"?

It takes a real moron to conjure that one up.

Just a small thing. The DAC footage has the view inverted by 180 degrees, so there appears to be some deception inverting it as though it is "hanging off".

End of thread.

Offline bknight

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2024, 03:41:38 PM »
How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.

Here's the best footage I could find, but it's not a NASA source:

I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.

I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.

Paolo Attivissimo's debunking site doesn't even mention this instance.
I see nothing falling away, the breakage occurs @ ~13:00 of the video, but the dish never falls away, perhaps you could enlighten the group as to whe it falls away to you eyes.
ETA: the dish goes into a shadow and stays there until the area falls below the window.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2024, 03:45:54 PM by bknight »
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Offline TimberWolfAu

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2024, 12:55:01 AM »
How do Apollogists (may I please use this term?) reconcile the footage of Apollo 12's Lunar Rendezvous where the Dish mysteriously cuts loose and seems to fall with gravity.

Here's the best footage I could find, but it's not a NASA source:

I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the NASA site.

I haven't verified the details yet, but have heard that they used to have this video on their site, but scrubbed it (removed it) after some MLH guys pointed it out.

Paolo Attivissimo's debunking site doesn't even mention this instance.


I have removed your ability to create new topics until all of your other topics are resolved.

I think you might have stopped him from posting in general. He's over on the FB group saying he's been banned, and that he can't see/comment in any of the threads.

Offline bknight

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2024, 06:27:25 AM »
It's good to not have FB/Meta.  :)
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
Eugene Cernan

Offline LunarOrbit 🇨🇦

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2024, 09:24:40 AM »

I think you might have stopped him from posting in general. He's over on the FB group saying he's been banned, and that he can't see/comment in any of the threads.

Hmm. I applied a membership role that was only supposed to prohibit him from starting new topics. I'm not sure why it was preventing him from seeing the forum. I have removed that role. He should be able to access the forum now.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth.
I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth.
I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
- Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2024, 12:18:06 PM »
The TV footage, with corresponding 16mm, is here:

It looks as though the actual incident in question is just off camera.

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2024, 03:38:31 PM »

Offline bknight

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2024, 05:08:20 PM »
The TV footage, with corresponding 16mm, is here:

It looks as though the actual incident in question is just off camera.
OBM, I have attempted to access ALSJ to copy videos, but I continually get error messages.  An example
No webpage was found for the web address:  Where di NASA store them?
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Eugene Cernan

Offline najak

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2024, 06:52:29 PM »
Hmm. I applied a membership role that was only supposed to prohibit him from starting new topics. I'm not sure why it was preventing him from seeing the forum. I have removed that role. He should be able to access the forum now.
Thank you, I'm back, and working fervently on this Apollo 12 Rendezvous topic.  Before I delve in to a topic too far, I do like to get the official Apollogist viewpoint.

(I hope you are OK with me saying "Apollogist" - as Biblical Apologists are fine with self-identifying as such.   And here on this forum, I'm called the "over-inclusive HB" - which implies that I tend to believe in "many Hoaxes" which is simply not the truth.)    Apollogist seems good, fairly neutral and catchy.

I am doing frame image analysis, geometry analysis, along with the Journal and audio.   To paint what I believe is a strong MLH theory.

The fact that this A12 Rendezvous appears MISSING from the Debunking sites I know of, as well as this footage went MISSING from NASA's own repos...  made this appear to me as a "good candidate for investigation".

I'm a rookie, so I'm trying to prioritize "What's next?" -- and pre-querying for the Apollogist counter-arguments, helps the process be more efficient, productive, and fruitful.

Thank you again for hosting this, and providing me a means for presenting the MLH "best ideas" that I can find.

Offline bknight

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Re: Hoax? - Apollo 12 Lunar Rendezvous, Dish Falls with Gravity
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2024, 07:50:22 PM »
You may start with answering my question in reply # 6.
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
Eugene Cernan