But the 100 m across ISS is a 400 000 m altitude and cannot be seen by naked eye. I have tried with binocular w/o success.
Yes it can be seen with the naked eye.
Please show your calculations that you have used to be able to declare this. Angles subtended? Resolution of the human eye? Please also show how you have accounted for the reflective nature of some of the surfaces (you might want to look up Iridium flares too).
Telescope? Doubt it. Object moves too quickly. Photos of it being the ISS published are fake.
That, my friend, is bovine chewed grass. I presume that you know absolutely nothing about telescopes and telescope mounts? There are a number of ways of tracking Earth satellites, available to even amateurs of modest means such as myself. Free planetarium software (example Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel) all have satellite orbit data available to them, and they can interface with telescope mounts via the ASCOM standard (last night I was using this free-to-all software to find and track the Horsehead nebula to allow me to take 600-second long exposures of the same. With sub-pixel accuracy). There are also a number of free guiding programs available (for example, Craid Starkey's PHD software which is used to lock onto and follow guide stars).
Similar programs are available to allow 'scopes to lock onto and to guide a fast moving object. Here is an example of similar software being used to track aircraft:
Here's alink to the software's creators webpage:
http://www.optictracker.com/Home.htmlI presume that your next wild and speculative claim is that amateur telescopes and airplanes don't exist?
I have also seen someone imaging the ISS without the benefit of a tracking telescope. He used a Dobsonian mounted Newtonian and tracked the ISS using the finder telescope. It took a fair bit of practice over a good few nights, but he managed it.
Here is a friend of mine explaining in detail how he has created his ISS images:
I suppose you are going to tell me that Dion (the guy in the video) is also a fake??? If you care to follow his detailed video then you too could try this for yourself (I bet YOU €1M that you will not try this). Or are you trying to tell me that he is lying? Your assumption that it can't be done is pretty amazing as it means that you are saying that my experience is incorrect. That is a pretty staggering claim to make.....
The ISS is fake because you cannot get down from it alive. Try to win my Challenge - see post #1.
I am now firmly of the opinion that you have suffered some sort of mental or emotional trauma that renders you incapable of assimilating the learning that others have shown you. It has been explained to you, in somewhat tedious detail, how ablative heatshields work. I even gave you links to the original publishers of the papers on blunt-bodies and heating effects in this post:
Heating as part of hypersonic re-entry was being studied back in the 1950s as part of the research into ICBM re-entry. Harry Julian Allen in 1951, in research at Ames Research Centre, did the calculations and came up with the concept of using a "blunt-body" shape to creat a compressive "bow-wave" to create a boundary layer between the hot compressed gas of the atmosphere and the structure of the ICBM. Allen and Eggers classified report into blunt-bodies and hypersonic heating effects was published in 1953.
Did you even see this? Can you acknowledge that you have been presented (over and over) with information on ablative heatshields and the process of compressive heating? Why then do you insist on repeating the same old balderdash over and over again?
I agree some people are pretty dumb. I have worked in the heavy industry for 45 years and for that you have to be clever. What about you?
You have been asked multiple time to show some credentials or testimonies to back these claims up. As yet, you have not. Personally, I take these claims with as much seriousness as I take your other outlandish claims.
Try to win my Challenge - see post #1.
Again, you have been asked many times to show that you have the money available and the criteria for measuring and claiming. As yet (what a shock) you have provided none of this. As such, your "Challenge" appears as groundless as all your other claims.
Maybe I saw this thing being tested in the sky - http://news.cnet.com/8301-10797_3-57563829-235/space-station-to-test-$17-million-inflatable-room/
Maybe you did. But I thought it was your contention that the ISS was a fake?
"Oh! what a tangled web we weave; When first we practice to deceive!"