After Glom, I am the second one honoured with a mention on Björkman's website!

Apparently, linking to him yesterday rankled him.

In other words, he's changed his page again - among other things, he tries to wrestle with the mass of the SIV-B (he gets an approximate number from Wikipedia that doesn't agree with the one in the Apollo 11 report, with predictable results). He's also added more attacks against NASA and his critics. The section where he complains about Glom has several interesting additions, starting with the introduction (new inserts are in green, as usually):
This evidently upsets many Apollo11hoaxsters! is an Internet forum run by NASA trying to make the impression that space travel works, etc. It goes, tragically, like this:
Run by NASA, huh?

Something must have made a mark!

The only modification to the paragraph describing Glom is the removal of "probably" from "has probably worked for NASA all his life".

After that is the newly added paragraph about
Another clown is Daggerstab. She thinks you can take long exposure photos when travelling at 7 500 m/s speed around Earth.
Nope, not clown. An assassin.
Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre! 
My username is a link leading to the picture I commented on in my last post. Its caption has evolved somewhat since the last time:
Above NASA "long exposure" photo ( shows the space shuttle Atlantis, appearing like a bean sprout against clouds and city lights, on its way home braking through the atmosphere, as outlined above and below. It was allegedly long exposured taken by the Expedition 28 crew of the International Space Station. Airglow over Earth can be seen in the background if you have sharp eyes. I can just see clouds. The photo does not look real in my view, i.e. it is another NASA fake.
One of my ex NASA PR-agents Daggerstab wonders "Ever heard of "long exposure", Björkman?" He is another stupid NASA SF writer trying to make ends meet in Arizona! Try to make a long exposure of Earth below photo from a space vehicle at 7 500 m/s speed? Thanks for the PR!

Björkman, I find it curious that of all things written in my last post, you took issue only with the "long exposure" jab. Does this mean that you agree with everything else? And no word about my challenge? To repeat it:
Why don't you contact the scientists and engineers that designed and built the Ariane 5 and ask them if Apollo/Saturn was real?And what exactly is the problem with making a long exposure photo in low Earth orbit? I found a copy of the photo in a place that conserves EXIF metadata - According to my EXIF reader, the exposure time was 1 second, which counts as "long" in my book.

And spotting airglow in that picture doesn't require sharp eyes. (By the way, several sentences in the caption are plagiarized from the original NASA description, and it seems that this is not an exception.)
And also, Arizona? What are you smoking, Björkman?