Sir, your errors far exceed even the most generous definition of pedantry.
Indeed; obvious troll is obvious. He has no leg to stand upon for any of his on-topic material, so he stoops to critiquing spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I'll bet in a few minutes he'll be complaining about the font.
I'm not feeding him the details of his latest error in photographic interpretation. If I did that, he'd just wait a bit and then "confirm" my details through "his" investigation. But I'm not giving him any clues -- just the proposition that his analysis is wrong. Watch how he scrambles trying to guess what he has to do to discover it. This is how you root out the charlatans, the ones who pump you for details that they can regurgitate later and pretend it was "their" analysis that found it. They'll admit error, but only errors they "find" themselves and "correct." It's anathema for this type to have to admit there's something they don't know. Such fragile egos. The kind that quibble over spelling.