Author Topic: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?  (Read 634109 times)

Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2013, 11:10:35 PM »
This is Ad Hominem.

An ad hominem argument would be to say someone was wrong because they are a liar.  Calling one a liar is a claim that they have recklessly disregarded the truth.
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2013, 11:11:01 PM »
I seem to be the only one doing research.

Are you still here? haven't you been humiliated enough?

Somebody like you...

What the hell does "someone like you" mean?

...telling me what NASA said they did is not research, it's spreading bullshit.

Listen very carefully....what you just said only reflects on YOUR IGNORANCE. The Apollo missions ARE ESTABLISHED HISTORICAL FACT. You may disagree with that, but no one is going to take you seriously as long as you behave like a child.

Do you at least understand that your behavior "turns off" anyone who might be willing to listen to you?
You are basically are your own worst enemy...and you can't see it.

NASA gets paid to lie.  I don't.

I simply do not believe you based on your say you don't lie, but one of the very first things the people on this board did when you arrived was catch you in a lie.

If you have the truth on your "side", then why do you find it necessary to lie?

..and of course...once caught in a lie, no one will take you seriously ever again.

As I are your own worst enemy.
Funny that, on some other site, they were calling me a government shill for saying the ISS was real.  How come nobody here can debate my arguments?  Only call me a liar repeatedly.  Is anybody here over 15?  I'm just asking because you never know.

Offline Peter B

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2013, 11:12:15 PM »

Prove they lie.  You have yet to prove a single thing.  Plenty of handwaving though.
Handwaving?  I'm just talking way over your head.  (What have you ever proven?)  Tell ya what... why don't you get me $50 million and I'll prove whether they landed on the moon or not.  $50 million is the cost of sending a rocket to the moon.  I just need to fly over a landing site and beam back a camera image.  If there's no descent stage, then they didn't go.
Of course, if you find one, we know you'll claim it's fake.

Until the time comes that somebody does that, all we can prove is that it was infinitely easier to fake it than go to the moon, and that's a fact.  I happen to know that they didn't go to the moon because they would have needed to do an IMU alignment on the moon, which they couldn't do, because they had no survey marker on the moon.  And, anybody who wants me to prove I'm an engineer, and that I worked on the Delta rocket, and the ISS, you need to put up some money and bet me.  A Director of Engineering at Boeing is a former co-worker.  Another co-worker is a Chief Engineer at General Dynamics.  I used to party with those guys.  I've used them as work references.  My college roommate is a director of engineering at Panasonic.
Where'd you go to college?
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Offline RAF

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2013, 11:12:51 PM »
Just stating the facts.

Facts like pretending to be an engineer when WE ALL KNOW that you are not?

Such a stupid lie, from a proven liar.
Then you're all wrong.

Then shut me me wrong by proving that you are an engineer.

And did everyone elect you to speak for them?

?? This is a discussion board...I am here to election necessary...

This is Ad Hominem.

Yawn...any other irrelevancies you would like to add, before you prove you are an engineer by giving us the contact information for all your "engineer pals"?

Yeah...I didn't thnk so...

Offline RAF

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2013, 11:16:14 PM »
How come nobody here can debate my arguments?

You couldn't make a rational argument to save your life...that much, we are all sure of...

Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2013, 11:16:42 PM »
A Director of Engineering at Boeing is a former co-worker.  Another co-worker is a Chief Engineer at General Dynamics.  I used to party with those guys.  I've used them as work references.  My college roommate is a director of engineering at Panasonic.

Trying to bolster you claims by associating yourself with unnamed people is not going get you any credibility here.  No one cares who you say that you used to drink with.  Try giving us your list of publications rather than your bluster!
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2013, 11:19:48 PM »
How come nobody here can debate my arguments?

Because you haven't produced anything that can rationally be called an argument. 
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline RAF

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2013, 11:21:18 PM »
Only call me a liar repeatedly.

Perhaps it is because you have been caught lying, repeatedly.

Is anybody here over 15?  I'm just asking because you never know.

Uh, huh....when will you be giving us that contact information for your "engineer buddies" so that we may confirm that you are, indded, an engineer?

Offline RAF

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2013, 11:33:47 PM »
This is Ad Hominem.

An ad hominem argument would be to say someone was wrong because they are a liar.  Calling one a liar is a claim that they have recklessly disregarded the truth.

I've been trying to think of a better way to put it...not for sanchez' sake, but for my own peace of mind...

Offline RAF

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2013, 11:35:27 PM »

Offline nomuse

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2013, 12:18:27 AM »

Prove they lie.  You have yet to prove a single thing.  Plenty of handwaving though.
Handwaving?  I'm just talking way over your head.  (What have you ever proven?)  Tell ya what... why don't you get me $50 million and I'll prove whether they landed on the moon or not.  $50 million is the cost of sending a rocket to the moon.  I just need to fly over a landing site and beam back a camera image.  If there's no descent stage, then they didn't go.   Until the time comes that somebody does that, all we can prove is that it was infinitely easier to fake it than go to the moon, and that's a fact.  I happen to know that they didn't go to the moon because they would have needed to do an IMU alignment on the moon, which they couldn't do, because they had no survey marker on the moon.  And, anybody who wants me to prove I'm an engineer, and that I worked on the Delta rocket, and the ISS, you need to put up some money and bet me.  A Director of Engineering at Boeing is a former co-worker.  Another co-worker is a Chief Engineer at General Dynamics.  I used to party with those guys.  I've used them as work references.  My college roommate is a director of engineering at Panasonic.

Being an engineer isn't about who hired you.  It is about being able to do the work.  At this point, based on your performance, I'd be surprised if you understood the difference between pounds and slugs.

Offline ka9q

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2013, 02:29:23 AM »
why don't you get me $50 million and I'll prove whether they landed on the moon or not.  $50 million is the cost of sending a rocket to the moon.  I just need to fly over a landing site and beam back a camera image.  If there's no descent stage, then they didn't go.
Why do you keep trying to snow a group of people who actually know what they're talking about?

An Atlas V costs about $85-110M depending on configuration. That's just  for the rocket; you also need a spacecraft unless you only want to fly concrete, and it doesn't take very good pictures. By the time you add operations, the bottom line will be around $500M.

How do I know? Because it's already been done: it's called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Having returned many marvelous pictures of the descent stages, equipment and foot tracks at all six Apollo landing sites, we see that your criteria has been met. They did go.

they would have needed to do an IMU alignment on the moon, which they couldn't do, because they had no survey marker on the moon.
Give me a break! The Apollo LM IMU was aligned with references already available everywhere on the moon: local gravity and the stars. Finding the CSM did not require the LM to know its own precise position in lunar coordinates. It only needed to precisely measure its position relative to the CSM, which it did with a device called a rendezvous radar. See if you can hazard a guess from its name why it had one.

Partying and rooming with engineers hardly makes you one, but that's stating the obvious given the complete lack of even basic knowledge you've displayed here under your many names.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 02:31:41 AM by ka9q »

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2013, 02:36:18 AM »
Rubbish?  Really? 

Yes, your comment was rubbish. It was rubbish as you stated that they didn't find a single interesting thing. I gave one single example-the fact that over 380kg of rock and soil examples were returned which are still delivering scientific results today.

Given that, can you publicly withdraw the allegation?

What was the view on the genesis of the Moon prior to Apollo, and what is that view now? 
About 5 minutes with Google will answer that. As a qualified "engineer" you should be familiar with doing research. 8-year old child would be able to find the details. But please don't expect me to do your research for you, Alexsanchez.

And, what's the difference between moon rocks from the moon, and moon rocks from Antarctica?

1) Again, why do you think that it suddenly became my role to educate anyone who asks a question in the manner that you do? Do your own research.

2) So you acknowledge that we have Moon rocks. Care to enlighten us on how you think we have over 380kgs of them?
<whispers in your ear> here's a hint- don't say that they were returned robotically a-la the Soviets. The Soviets returned less than 400 grams robotically. Apollo returned over 380Kgs. Thats a thousand times more, just in case your engineering knowledge doesn't stretch to the metric system. Oh, and if you say the were returned robotically then you agree that its perfectly feasible to launch, navigate, soft-land, collect samples, take off, escape Lunar orbit and return a vehicle to the Earth. You'd also have to show when these launches took place.

3) I'm sure that you can imagine that a rock that was explosively detached from the Lunar surface as a result of a meteorite impact, with sufficient energy to break the Lunar gravity well, that then entered through the Earth's atmosphere at high speed, and then laid for thousands of years in an environment that exposed it to air, water and wind erosion might differ from one that was collected, pristine, off the Lunar surface? If you can't then please explain your thinkings and findings that support your thinking.
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov

Offline ka9q

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #58 on: January 24, 2013, 02:38:55 AM »
Uh, huh....when will you be giving us that contact information for your "engineer buddies" so that we may confirm that you are, indded, an engineer?
Why do we need the man's credentials when it is already patently obvious that his "engineering skills" are limited to throwing a few buzzwords around with no understanding of what they mean?

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #59 on: January 24, 2013, 02:55:36 AM »
Handwaving?  I'm just talking way over your head.  (What have you ever proven?)  Tell ya what... why don't you get me $50 million and I'll prove whether they landed on the moon or not.  $50 million is the cost of sending a rocket to the moon. 

As well as almost certainly not being an engineer, you have also shown that you are almost certainly not an accountant. If you reckon that you can get the the Moon and return for $50m then you had better get in touch with Elon Musk...

  Until the time comes that somebody does that, all we can prove is that it was infinitely easier to fake it than go to the moon, and that's a fact.
Here you go, chief:

Oh, and the BBC (amongst others) also reported it. So they must be gubernmint shills to???

It looks like you won't be needing that £50M after all. Elon might still be interested though...

I happen to know that they didn't go to the moon because they would have needed to do an IMU alignment on the moon, which they couldn't do, because they had no survey marker on the moon. 
That drum that you keep on banging must be nearly worn through by now? Just because you repeatedly ignore evidence to the contrary of your claim doesn't make you right. It makes you wilfully ignorant.

And, anybody who wants me to prove I'm an engineer, and that I worked on the Delta rocket, and the ISS, you need to put up some money and bet me.
Erm...isn't that for you to do? You've been asked to provide evidence to support the claim that you are an engineer, that your worked under Air Force contracts, that you worked at the Cape. Have you done any of that yet?

you need to put up some money and bet me.

Go on then. Provide the contract number that you worked on, or other details that you have been asked for to the people that have asked for it. Once they verify it and confirm your credentials, then I am happy to make a contribution to your charity of choice.

A Director of Engineering at Boeing is a former co-worker.  Another co-worker is a Chief Engineer at General Dynamics.  I used to party with those guys.  I've used them as work references.  My college roommate is a director of engineering at Panasonic.

So what? Why would your relationship with your alleged pals have any bearing whatsoever on the nonsense that you are spouting? let me give you an example, as you appear to be of the hard-of-thinking. I know a professional football player well. Does that mean that I am also very good at kicking a ball around a field?? Of course it doesn't.
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov