Author Topic: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?  (Read 432842 times)

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #270 on: January 28, 2013, 08:51:52 PM »
Yes, these days it's good to be anonymous.  Anything you say can and will be used against you, and the internet is forever....However, I'm actually thinking right this minute of having an article published in a magazine since I'm doing all this writing.

You want to remain anonymous and run away from the professional responsibility for your hoax claims while wanting to publish the same thing in a magazine?  The contradictions never stop.
Well, hoax claims are not my profession.  I'm not getting paid.  Skepticism is what I do in my spare time.  And writers often use a pen name.  Take Mark Twain... Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

Are you presenting the claim that this isn't true of all members of the forum?  That some of them may be getting paid for it?

Offline JayUtah

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #271 on: January 28, 2013, 08:56:39 PM »
The issue of moon rocks is purely a matter for debate.

Not for geologists.  They universally hold an informed belief that the Apollo samples are genuine pieces of the Moon collected in situ by the astronauts.

If I accept the govt's assertion that the moon landings were real, I would use the same arguments as you.

It is not "the government's" assertion.  It is the assertion of the relevant experts in the relevant industries.  "Government" is a red herring.

However, given the number of lies and cover-ups engaged in by the govt, i.e., JFK, etc., I assert that the moon landings were fake.

I discussed why that's an illogical position to hold.  You haven't acknowledged or rebutted it.

I also assert that the Soviet Union lied about bringing back their moon rocks and that they only had rocks from Antarctica, or Siberia, if anything.

Asked and answered.  Repeating the same rebutted claim is fruitless.

It's safe to say the Russians were adept at political propaganda and would not have hesitated to lie about it.

Same red herring as above.  You are trying to answer scientific arguments with political ones.

But if the govt gives a geologist a rock and says it's from the moon, the geologist will assume it's from the moon, having nothing to go on to prove otherwise.

10-year-old refuted argument based on layman's assumptions of how geologists work.

Moon rocks from Antarctica could be reconditioned to appear to have come from the moon.

Explain in detail how.  Keep in mind that this claim has been put to practicing geologists who roundly laugh at it.

No university researcher would cast doubt on the moon rocks as that would make them lose their funding.

Supposition.  You are offering a speculative excuse for why the evidence and expert testimony roundly contradict your beliefs.  Pretending that your critics are financially or ideologically motivated is a sign of a religious belief held on faith.

Also, the leading scientific theory is that the moon is just a chunk of the earth that was blasted off a few billion years ago, so the composition of the moon rocks would be the same as earthly material.

Asked and answered.  Repeating a refuted claim without addressing the refutation is a sign of a religious belief held on faith, not a rational conclusion based on logic and evidence.

Scientists would not be backing that theory if the alleged moon rocks were different in composition from rocks found on earth.

Are you actually aware of the theories and supporting evidence?  No, you're just stabbing in the dark.  Practicing geologists are able to explain in great detail how the Apollo samples resemble Earth minerals and in equally great detail how they differ in important ways that reveal a lunar origin. 

One being is that there is no record of the LM being tested for ascent or descent on earth (that I know of.)

Why would that be a relevant test?

The only video I've seen was Armstrong parachuting to safety after losing control of the LLTV.  And, regardless, the LLTV was not a LM.

Agreed, so why bring it up if not to simply trying to trump up some kind of controversy or contradiction?

I think NASA simply would not have attempted a moon landing with an untested LM...

Why do you assert the LM was "untested?"  Can you describe the test program for the LM in any great detail?  Do you realize that Apollo 11 was characterized as the final test flight?  Apollo 12 was the first Apollo mission considered an operational mission.

...let alone have it work flawlessly 6 times.

Why do you assert it worked "flawlessly?"

First, you don't know exactly where you are on the moon due to the manual landing...

Asked and answered at length.  Such knowledge was not required in order to use a standard multiple phase ascent and rendezvous technique, the kind that is standard practice.  Again, you are simply trying to foist your layman's misconceptions and pretend they represent actual technique and practice.  We are not fooled.

...meaning there could be no IMU update to moon coordinates.

The IMU is not updated to "moon coordinates."  It is corrected to a space-fixed orientation.  Or more precisely, the reference matrix between the stable member orientation and the space-fixed orientation is refined to account for drift.

The star finder was useless on the moon (my assertion) because the astronauts claimed they couldn't see stars with the naked eye.

They weren't using their naked eyes.  They were using the optics.

That means they had to rely on radar to rendezvous with a speeding bullet.

Asked and answered repeatedly.  The "speeding bullet" notion is the layman's misconception of how orbital rendezvous is accomplished.  I explained at length how it is actually done.  You clearly either don't care or you couldn't understand it.  In any case, you're still wrong.

Getting to the exact orbit would be extremely difficult because the LM IMU did not have the inertial coordinates for the moon, they only had earth coordinates, and rough one's at that due to the gyro drift rate.

Asked and answered repeatedly.

Phased rendezvous does not require reaching an exact orbit on ascent, for the reasons already given.

The IMU doesn't have inertial coordinates either "for the moon" or "earth coordinates."  You lack a basic understanding of how the IMU works in an overall space flight setting.

How do you lift off from an unknown location with an unknown bearing?

Asked and answered repeatedly.  Ignoring the answer in favor of your layman's misconception is a sign of a religious belief taken on faith, not a rational conclusion based on study, facts, and expert understanding.

A Kalman filter takes time to settle out.

Why is a Kalman filter relevant to this problem?

While sitting on the moon, the moon is rotating, and that rotation is is being fed into the gyros.

No.  You are attempting to force concepts cribbed from terrestrial gyroscopic navigation into a different problem.  The LM IMU did not work like an airplane's grycompass.  You're Googling for the wrong things.

You can't just land on the moon and take off 2.5 hours later and get into a perfect orbit.

Asked and answered.  Insertion into a "perfect" orbit on ascent was not required, for the reasons already given and for the same reasons practiced today in any orbital rendezvous problem.  Further, the LM was not on the surface for only 2.5 hours.  You lack sufficient knowledge of the facts.

You could argue that they used dead reckoning and mid-course corrections in flight and flew to the dark side of the moon and used the star finder, but that's just smoke and mirrors.

Straw man.  That's not the way it was done.

The least documented part of the mission, and the most complicated by far, is the rendezvous.

Correct in the sense that it was considered the most complicated.  Incorrect in the sense that it is the "least documented."  I know of two textbooks and at least three technical papers that discuss the different rendezvous scenarios in great depth.  The mission reports detail how well each performed, and specify that the rendezvous problem was so well studied and practiced that later missions were able to use more sensitive and fuel-efficient forms.

Note that before every space shuttle mission (and every rocket launch) a very careful IMU alignment was done to earth coordinates.

And you still don't understand why that's the preferred method of recording fine IMU alignment when launching from Earth.  You don't yet understand that there are many other ways of fine-aligning an IMU.

They don't just rely on radar to get to the ISS.

Correct.  As a matter of fact the shuttle IMU is aligned to space-fixed references by star sighting.

None of this is definitive proof against a lunar ascent, but it explains the unlikelihood.

Nonsense.  It proves only that you don't know what you're talking about.  Which is why you believe one thing and why the unanimity of the aerospace industry believes something else.   You are not the lone "engineer" who got it right.  You are a crackpot trying to parlay some frantic Googling and a smattering of misapplied and misunderstood technical knowledge to trump up a pseudo-intellectual argument for what is obviously a religiously-held socio-political belief.

But there's no way for anyone to prove anything.

Nonsense.  All the relevant evidence shows Apollo was real.  This is the evidence that you and other hoax claimants frantically try to explain away with hypothetical supposition and pseudo-technical misunderstanding.  Granted, much of that fools laymen, but you're not talking here to laymen.

  You can slant an experiment to show anything you want. 

Everything is hearsay.

Nonsense.  You're talking to people who do this for a living and have real-world, hands-on experience.

[quote[NASA controls all of the information.[/quote]

Hogwash.  The techniques for accomplishing the lunar landing and subsequent space missions were developed by the aerospace industry.  They remain there, and have been extended and refined for subsequent commercial space operations.

The missions were infinitely easier to fake than conduct for real...

Nonsense.  In 45 years not one single author has managed to propose an end-to-end scenario for faking the entire Apollo record and produce even a scintilla of evidence to suggest it was done.

...and faking guaranteed 100% success, including faking Apollo 13 to make it look like everything wasn't a success.

Nonsense.  What guarantee did your alleged hoaxsters and conspirators have that they wouldn't be discovered?  Especially since the first hoax claims surfaced in print only a few years after the Apollo program ended?

No one can deny the govt had the means and the motive to fake it.

Begging the question.  I deny both those claims strenuously.  You're asking us to take such propositions on faith.  I do not; I require them to be proven to me.

Regarding an AULIS pic I put up, after some graphic analysis I have come to the conclusion that the claim is unsubstantiated by the photos.

Congratulations, you have demonstrated your willingness to retract a claim.  That is genuinely admirable.  However for the rest of your argument you have simply restated your same misconceptions as if none of the intervening argument had taken place.
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Offline nomuse

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #272 on: January 28, 2013, 08:58:31 PM »
I'm trying to imagine a LM trainer swinging from its balloon tether every time its RCS fires.
You're right.  It would be hard to test it.

Poor paraphrase.

But then, you are being remarkably unclear about what you mean by "the LM" when you speak of something not being tested.

Do you mean the ability of the cabin to preserve life?  Do you mean the ability of the landing legs to absorb shock and support the craft in an upright position?  Do you mean the functionability of the DPS and RCS quads and AGC and descent radar and so forth in making a controlled landing?  Do you mean the ability of the APS to fire and to bring the spacecraft to orbital height and velocity?  Do you mean the RCS and rendezvous radar and the rest of the equipment used to return to the CM?

All of these are separate aspects; separate enough that the LM is often referred to as two spacecraft in one (the Ascent Module and the Descent Module).

Which of these was not tested? Which integration of the various systems was not tested?  Where are you drawing the line for total test of the spacecraft, systems, operational environment and mission and how can you explain why such an artificial line exists for this LM but you can see no similar line in any other spacecraft or aircraft past or present?

Let's give you a little hint; the astronaut core were test pilots.

Offline JayUtah

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #273 on: January 28, 2013, 09:00:39 PM »
Well, hoax claims are not my profession.

What is your profession?

I'm not getting paid.

I don't get paid to do this either.  I do it in my spare time.  However what I do in my spare time is help invent machines to fly in the air and in space.  That gives me the knowledge to do this spare-time activity with a degree of skill and knowledge.  You seem to be doing this based on frantic Googling and bluster.  Why does your unpaid footing here relieve you of a responsibility to know what you're talking about and answer questions?

And writers often use a pen name.  Take Mark Twain... Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

You're not a literary genius.  You're someone obviously trying to evade an examination of the basis of his claims.  That makes your motivation slightly different than Clemens'.
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #274 on: January 28, 2013, 09:03:04 PM »
I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.  A devils advocate.

In other words, you are trolling.
What's the opposite of trolling?  Not trolling?  What's the opposite of collecting stamps?  Not collecting stamps?  The title of this forum section says:
Do you believe the Apollo moon landings were faked? Share your theories here, but be prepared to defend them.

Sounds like an invitation to me.
Except for the part about not having any theory and backing away from your disjointed claims.
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Offline Bob B.

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #275 on: January 28, 2013, 09:05:27 PM »
Although they wouldn't need RCS with a helium balloon.

Then what's the point of the test?

Offline Echnaton

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #276 on: January 28, 2013, 09:10:32 PM »
Skepticism is what I do in my spare time.  And writers often use a pen name.  Take Mark Twain... Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

Your base dogma is "the governmental lies all the time about everything," that is not skepticism.

And writers often use a pen name.  Take Mark Twain... Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

I've read your posts.  Don't give up your day job.  Do you think that an anonymous article alleging a moon hoax is of interested to other than fringe readers exercising confirmation bias?
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. —Samuel Beckett

Offline nomuse

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #277 on: January 28, 2013, 09:13:07 PM »
Although they wouldn't need RCS with a helium balloon.

Then what's the point of the test?

Or to be more precise -- if you are not testing how the APS works as part of the total systems of the Ascent Module, then why doesn't a static test tell you what you need to know?

Again, this seems like an arbitrary line.

(Or rather, not arbitrary; it is the typical hoaxie requirement that whatever it is that NASA should have done, it is something the hoaxie in question is pretty sure NASA didn't do.)

Offline JayUtah

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #278 on: January 28, 2013, 09:14:22 PM »
My patent has really nothing to do with my arguments.

Then why did you bring it up?

My arguments about Apollo stand on their own.

No they don't.  They're based on presumptions of expertise you claim, but don't have.  You're giving the typical layman's misconceptions for topics that are properly the domain of highly trained experts, and demanding that they be taken on faith.

The article would not be about proving anything, rather what it's like to argue with a group of people who are all of like mind, and taking the opposing view.

You haven't considered the possibility that we are "of like mind" because that's where the facts inexorably lead.  You came to this debate with the preconception that any agreement among your critics would be irrational groupthink, not the unanimous findings of logic and knowledge.

I think my main point here is to show people that the moon-landings are like a religion.  It's faith.

Asked and answered.  I showed that, in fact, you are the one expressing religious behavior.  Since you didn't bother to respond, I'll assume you have no argument.

With the moon landings, it's NASA said it and I believe it.

Expressly the opposite.  As you were told, but chose to ignore, you desperately want all your listeners and critics to be laymen.  Not all are, and those who aren't unanimously disagree with you.  Not only do they disagree with you, they can show you reasons for their disagreement that have nothing to do with faith or groupthink, and everything to do with you simply not knowing what you're talking about.  This isn't some lofty philosophical exercise.  This is just the typical experience of a crank Googling frantically to appear to be something he isn't.

I'm not here to prove anything.  I can't.  I'm just here to debate.  A devils advocate.

Whether you believe sincerely in your claims or not, you simply don't know what you're talking about.  Your arguments are made from a position of considerable ignorance about how the equipment worked, was purported to work, and about the problems being solved.
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #279 on: January 28, 2013, 09:21:27 PM »

Thanks in advance.
The issue of moon rocks is purely a matter for debate. By that I mean I could just as well take either position.
Why not look at the evidence?

If I accept the govt's assertion that the moon landings were real, I would use the same arguments as you. However, given the number of lies and cover-ups engaged in by the govt, i.e., JFK, etc., I assert that the moon landings were fake.
Ri-i-ight. So we're starting with an assertion.

I also assert that the Soviet Union lied about bringing back their moon rocks and that they only had rocks from Antarctica, or Siberia, if anything.
Assertion number two. You have no evidence for this?

It's safe to say the Russians were adept at political propaganda and would not have hesitated to lie about it.
Accepted. We know the Soviets lied about certain aspects of their space missions. But this knowledge is based on evidence - for example, photographs altered to remove people subsequently dismissed as cosmonauts. The photos are known to be altered because either two differently altered versions of the photos have been published, or different photographs taken at the same time show different group compositions. Jim Oberg has been writing about this for 20+ years.

Likewise, American spy satellites provided information about the N-1 rocket which the Soviets "forgot" to publicise.

But there's other evidence which allows us to be sure the Soviets did make certain achievements in space - for example the British interception of signal from spacecraft at the Moon.

So maybe there are no rocks that were brought back from the moon. But if the govt gives a geologist a rock and says it's from the moon, the geologist will assume it's from the moon, having nothing to go on to prove otherwise.
Sorry, but that's wrong. As I mentioned above (posted before I saw your post), Moon rocks are identifiably different from Earth rocks. They show evidence of having formed in a low gravity vacuum, with no water present. You simply can't fake that on Earth. A geologist might have valid reasons for asking whether the rock came from the Moon, but (s)he certainly would know it can't have come from the Earth.

Moon rocks from Antarctica could be reconditioned to appear to have come from the moon.
How do you "recondition" a rock?

The Apollo rocks contain 'zap pits', tiny craters caused by the impact of grains of dust at speeds of tens of kilometres per second. Please describe the process for faking this.

The Apollo rocks contain evidence of having been subject to solar radiation for anywhere between millions and billions of years. Please describe the process for faking this?

No university researcher would cast doubt on the moon rocks as that would make them lose their funding.
Upsetting the status quo is what makes scientists famous. Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Einstein didn't become household names (more or less) by tamely agreeing with what everyone had said before them.

Also, the leading scientific theory is that the moon is just a chunk of the earth that was blasted off a few billion years ago, so the composition of the moon rocks would be the same as earthly material.
There's a lot of wrong in that statement.

1. "Debris", not "chunk". The Moon was formed by the accretion of lots of small pieces of material blasted off the Earth by the impact.

2. The impact would have generated high temperatures, which would vaporise volatile materials. This explains why the Moon is deficient in volatile materials like water, and thus in turn why the rocks on the Moon are different from those of the Earth.

May I suggest you read a little more about the topic.

Scientists would not be backing that theory if the alleged moon rocks were different in composition from rocks found on earth. 

Yes, they would if it's the best explanation of the evidence. The theory also fits in well with the conditions of the early Solar System - a lot more planets and planetesimals than we have today. What do you think is likely to happen in such a chaotic environment?
You're probably right on all points.  Thanks.
Now that I've had time to think about it...

They [moon rocks] show evidence of having formed in a low gravity vacuum, with no water present.

Are you saying there's no water on the moon?

"Glass beads within moon rocks suggest that water seen on the lunar surface originates from the solar wind, researchers say." -

The Apollo rocks contain 'zap pits', tiny craters caused by the impact of grains of dust at speeds of tens of kilometres per second. Please describe the process for faking this.

Did the astronauts come back with any 'zap pits'?

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #280 on: January 28, 2013, 09:22:38 PM »
Alex, the difference between you and the estimable Mr. Clemens is that he knew how to write well.  He could form sentences worth reading that always said what he meant them to.  He also knew enough to know what he didn't know, which you don't appear to.

To be perfectly honest, I think of myself as "the token layman" around here.  This place is swarming with people who work in fields directly relevant to the Apollo missions.  We have aerospace engineers, professional photographers, physicists, chemists, and so forth.  Heck, even I know enough about movies to know that the Apollo footage is still impossible to fake accurately.  If you want to dispute that fact, go ahead and explain how it was done.  Exactly.  Using brand names where necessary and with exact instructions that could be followed to produce the uninterrupted hours of footage we know came out of Apollo.

What's that?  You don't know enough to know how it was done?  Than how can you state that faking it was easy?  How can you state that faking it was possible?
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Offline Laurel

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #281 on: January 28, 2013, 09:30:34 PM »
I'm a layperson too. But you don't have to be an engineering expert to contest such obviously wrong claims as "the LM was untested."
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 09:32:35 PM by Laurel »
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Offline alexsanchez

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #283 on: January 28, 2013, 09:32:12 PM »
Alex, the difference between you and the estimable Mr. Clemens is that he knew how to write well.  He could form sentences worth reading that always said what he meant them to.  He also knew enough to know what he didn't know, which you don't appear to.

To be perfectly honest, I think of myself as "the token layman" around here.  This place is swarming with people who work in fields directly relevant to the Apollo missions.  We have aerospace engineers, professional photographers, physicists, chemists, and so forth.  Heck, even I know enough about movies to know that the Apollo footage is still impossible to fake accurately.  If you want to dispute that fact, go ahead and explain how it was done.  Exactly.  Using brand names where necessary and with exact instructions that could be followed to produce the uninterrupted hours of footage we know came out of Apollo.

What's that?  You don't know enough to know how it was done?  Than how can you state that faking it was easy?  How can you state that faking it was possible?
So how much do you really know about movies?  Give me $30 billion and I'll fake it.  Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey.  And the way to fake a moon video is to use a telecine.  It's explained perfectly here:
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 09:34:18 PM by alexsanchez »

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Re: why was the usa the only one to go to the moon?
« Reply #284 on: January 28, 2013, 09:35:28 PM »
So how much do you really know about movies?  Give me $30 billion and I'll fake it.  Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey.  And the way to fake a moon video is to use a telecine.  It's explained perfectly here:

I think you missed the point of that video.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth.
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