Let me be perfectly honest. I haven't ever seen a Jarrah White video. Nor do I intend to.
Why not? Well, first of all, I hardly ever visit YouTube for any reason. I spend my days watching full-length movies, not hanging about watching shorts. That's a personal thing, but I don't think it's unreasonable.
Second, I think videos are a bad way of having a scientific discussion. In fact, I think they're a worse way of presenting information than in writing. This is not to say that I don't watch documentaries. I think there are some very good ones. However, i think what the most powerful documentaries do best is influence your emotions, not stir your intellect. Yes, all right. Some of Jarrah's points would benefit from brief video clips, if he were right--the notorious "wires" garbage, for example. However, if you want to have an actual conversation, YouTube is the worst place to have it. If Jarrah really felt capable of convincing us, he would do it here or on a similar forum--in text. His videos don't impress me as an intellectual exercise.