"Why are you so dishonest?"
I'm not. But I realize many are. But the same goes for the Pro-NASA arguments, many of which are lame. It's called Confirmation Bias, and both sides of this argument appear to be at fault. It's human nature, so don't be too mean about it.
I find the whole Google algorithm to suppress the good MLH arguments to be extremely dishonest. As someone who is trying to sincerely research MLH, I am appalled that all of the Bad Arguments (and fake evidence meant to entrap average minded MLH people) - ABOUND. Why? Because they are safe for NASA -- there's no better way to defeat an argument, than Red Herrings, or associating very bad things to your opposition.
Recently, our FB group for MLH was seized/hacked, and threw out all of the current admins. Now it's [another] FAKE MLH site, that pretends to be Pro-MLH, but it ONLY shows the Red Herrings and Fake evidence... and MANY who go there for MLH theory, simply can't tell the difference. Mission accomplished - making most MLH people "look like fools" with these deliberate actions.
But, under it all, there exists a very strong MLH theory. The problem is, that nearly all of the strongest academic minds won't even research it, because they are either busy "being productive, making money", or "enjoying their riches and can't be bothered".... and rest well, on the litmus test of "Scientific Consensus" which is what SHOULD be the Holy Grail - but for Apollo, it gives a False Sense of Security... It's been polluted, IMO. The most compelling evidence I find, indicates that this is the current state of affairs.