FTR,I firmly and strongly believe that Man really did go to the moon between 1968 and 1972.
There really is nothing to "believe" in. Either the evidence is consistent with the Apollo landings happening, or it is not.
Having said that,Jarrah White said that The Clementine photos of the Apollo 15 landing site showed nothing.
I cinsider the source. JW is obsessed with trying to prove the landings didn't happen, so anything he says must be taken as suspect...that he can't see anything does not surprise me one bit.
Most of the cameras who went up there don't have great resolutions.The LRO has the best resolution that I've seen(Though I haven't seen many).And even that doesn't have great resolution.
What degree of resolution do you expect from imaging Apollo "artifacts"
from orbit?? My personal opinion is that being able to see where they walked,
from orbit, is quite satasfactory resolution.
Oh BTW I didn't watch that piece of trash film he said that on.
I hate to state the obvious, but how do you know what he said,
if you didn't watch it??