To amuse myself, I had a go at solving this particular problem of overturning the rover.
... it's easy to see that the necessary speed to overturn is proportional to the square root of the gravity, so that it takes roughly 2.5 times as much speed to flip the rover on the Earth as on the Moon.
I looked up how fast you have to be going to roll in a "tripped rollover", most cars and 4wds have a sideways rollover speed at between 5 and 6mph, which on the moon would mean a little over 2mph.
The rover has a wider wheel base but a higher COG so it will fit somewhere into the 5 to 6mph.
vehicle SSF Track
Center of
Gravity (ft)
Sideways Rollover
Speed (mph)
Honda Passport 1.06 4.48 2.24 2.35 5.01
Jeep Grand
Cherokee 1.07 4.46 2.23 2.32 5.05
Jeep Cherokee 1.08 4.33 2.17 2.24 5.14
Chevrolet Suburban 1.08 4.96 2.48 2.53 4.88
Chevrolet Blazer
1.09 4.06 2.03 2.09 5.27
Chevrolet Blazer
4WD 1.09 4.08 2.04 2.14 5.26
Nissan Pathfinder 1.10 4.56 2.28 2.30 5.13
Chevrolet Astro van 1.12 4.93 2.46 2.42 5.06
Chevrolet S-10
pickup 1.14 4.04 2.02 1.99 5.42
Mazda MPV van 1.17 4.57 2.28 2.17 5.36
Honda CR-V SUV 1.19 4.53 2.27 2.11 5.43
Jeep Wrangler 1.20 4.33 2.17 2.01 5.51
Dodge Caravan van 1.23 4.79 2.40 2.15 5.47
Toyoto Tacoma
pickup 1.26 4.27 2.13 1.89 5.67
Saturn SL sedan 1.35 4.20 2.10 1.74 5.86
Toyoto Corolla
1.36 4.28 2.14 1.76 5.87
Nissan Sentra sedan 1.40 4.33 2.16 1.72 5.94
Honda Civic sedan 1.43 4.33 2.16 1.69 5.99
Neon 1.44 4.33 2.16 1.68 6.01
Nissan Maxima
sedan 1.44 4.48 2.24 1.73 5.99
Toyota Camry sedan 1.46 4.54 2.27 1.73 6.02
Honda Accord sedan 1.47 4.57 2.28 1.72 6.04
Chevrolet Camaro 1.50 4.55 2.28 1.68 6.09
Stupid computer, the last figure is the sideways rollover speed (mph) they went 8 to 10mph over a sometimes very uneven surface with a very low coefficient of traction. If they end up sideways which will be very easy given the low traction and the uneven surface, and if they hit a trip hazard like an embedded rock, crater wall, or mound, then they will possibly roll at as little as 2 1/2mph.
And that is with the rover nicely balanced with two astronauts on board.
No roll cage is deemed necessary, no upper body harnesses, no worries.
It might be time to wake up and smell the coffee.