Let's see - 9.600 kg impacting at 2580 m/s - that's 6.4x10e10 Joule. The meterorite was 1.1x10e11 joule. That's close to a factor 2, all right.
What I think you haven't taken into consideration is the structure of the S-VIb - it's primarely a hollow tube, with a much larger lenght/width than the meterorite. The S-IVb would have impacted much more like a collection of objects, not like a solid object. The rock with a 400 kg mass would have a volume of around 100-150 liters, which would give a footprint of around (a little less than) one square meter one third meter in diameter. The S-IVb would have a footprint from 34 to 117 m^2. From this follows the intensity of the heating would be much less. From 70-235 370-1300 times less.