So i was looking at Apollo 17's landing and take off 16mm footage and matching with LRO images, because that's what you do on a Sunday and I spotted something.
Below are 3 views of the same scene - on the left is the landing, centre is the LRO view, and on the right is the ascent video view.
What I'm interested in is the white object I've circled that is not present in the descent video (at least in the versions I've seen), but is there in the LRO and ascent.
Annoyingly, the first few seconds of Apollo 17's ascent wasn't captured, so we can't see if anything flew there and landed as a result of the ascent engine exhaust. Careful viewing of the footage that is available shows that the object seems to emerge and 'twinkle' in a way that brightly lit rocks in the scene don't. Annoyingly, the TV view from the rover is in exactly the wrong place and there is nothing obvious in the post-EVA views from the LM.
So - any thoughts?
Apart from aliens, carelessly discarded lighting rigs etc etc
(e2a: I've stretched and rotated the 16mm views to match the LRO view, in case anyone thinks they look different)