Perhaps you'll enlighten us as to what analysis precisely is supposed to have been done on a smear of lead on a curb? Wow us with your technical expertise....
There are times when just seeing the evidence is quite adequate. What additional information will be obtained from 'analysing' the curb mark?
I do not know what evidence they could have attained from the mark on the curb, do you?
Tague stated that he was able to discern the mark was directed toward the picket fence.
Tague testified that it was his impression that D.S. Walthers was able to discern the mark was directed toward the picket fence.
Tague testified that it was his impression that the "unidentified" policeman was able to discern the mark was directed toward the picket fence.
We can't know what the FBI could have determined or did determine.
Fact is, there is no report available for consideration.
Fact is, there is not even photo evidence available for consideration.
Fact is, the WC did not even ask Tague what it was about the mark that caused him to believe shot came from the picket fence, or Walters or policeman, so we don't have anything worthy of consideration.
That's how we get conspiricied loonies attempting to introduce concepts like co-linear, when they have no f-----g concept of the nature of the mark.
The greatest crime investigation in the history of the world, neglected to determine how Tague and the ricochet bullet as evidence was significant.
The goal the WC was after was for Tague to put on record the opinion it was plausible that the shots could have come from the TSBD, "case closed".
It is not always just what they said, it is also just as important to understand what they didn't say.