Someone must have done the sums to explain how the impact event explains the high angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system. It has to be derived from some point.
When they talk about the "high angular momentum of the earth-moon system", I think they're excluding the angular momentum in the earth-moon system's orbital revolution around the sun. They're considering only the rotation of the earth, the rotation of the moon, and the revolution of the moon around the earth.
What actually had to be conserved through the Earth/Theia collision was the total angular momentum of Earth and Theia,
including their orbital angular momenta around the sun (which would have greatly exceeded the angular momenta of their own rotations).
This "pool" of angular momentum was redistributed by the collision. Whatever angular momentum didn't go into the moon's orbit (which probably dominates the local angular momentum of the earth-moon system) would have gone into the angular momentum of the earth-moon system around the sun and to any escaped debris.
If the collision was a glancing one, I would expect more of this momentum to go into the rotation of the earth and the moon's orbit (the part considered "high" by those studying lunar origins). If the collision were more direct, then I'd expect it to go mostly into the earth-moon system's angular momentum around the sun. It would all have to be conserved, so any change in the "local" angular momentum of the earth-moon system would have to be compensated for by a change in the length of our year.
So that's where it was "derived from".