Well, there's the 'they were taken in LEO' argument, made by people who have obviously never seen a a photo taken from LEO.
There are those who claim they are just a real photo taken through some sort of circular tube, usually by people who have never seen a map of the Earth.
There is the 'they are just plain faked' arguments, and they must be paintings or composite photos of some sort. Also demonstrably false thanks to the power of live TV and satellite meteorology.
The blunder has obviously been alerted to the satellite photos that exist in parallel with pictures of Earth from Apollo and he actually claims this in one of the texts accompanying his youtube nonsense:
“...these videos have been compared with photos of earth taken by weather satellites in orbit at the time. Naturally, the pro-NASA side has been quick to call this "evidence". This trait is typical among propagandists: they present a piece of data or video that they don't know how to fake, and they assume that anything they don't know how to fake must be evidence that Apollo was real. Considering that NASA had many weather satellites in orbit long before and during Apollo, and that meteorologists had been using such satellite photographs to predict cloud formations and thus make forecasts for the week's weather, I'd say that's how NASA was able to get the cloud positions right in these videos.”
So there you go, NASA looked at weather photos, had a good old guess about what the weather would do, faked a photo of Earth and took it from there. As I point out on my page at the time of Apollo satellite meteorology was in its infancy and they were still in the process of trying to reconcile ground or atmospheric observations with satellite images. Even today forecasts are not made purely on the basis of visual observation of clouds from space, and there is no way at all that anyone could predict the change in Hurricane Bernice from they day before Apollo 11's launch to what was filmed and photographed from space.
Then there are those who claim that the clouds don't change at all on sequences of photos (totally untrue), that Earth doesn't change (totally untrue), it's in the wrong position or angle in the lunar sky (totally untrue), it's too small/big [delete as applicable], and that it doesn't rotate when it's filmed over long periods (again, totally untrue).
All the astronauts I have heard speak say that the best thing, or the most important discovery, about going to the moon was Earth. Likewise the hoax lovers can poke around all they like in pictures of the moon trying to prove their gibberish, but it's pictures of Earth that really skewer them.