And this leads right back to the inconsistent HB claim. The EBIL GUBBMINT is simultaneously so supremely powerful that it can silence any whistle blower by blandishment or assassination as required but at the very same time puts the evidence of their conspiracy on the intertubes for any moron to find.
Riddle me that.
My kid brother is a Bigfoot/Alien conspiracist. He really believes all that stuff. His hero is Georgio Tsoukalis. I am convinced that he also doesn't think Apollo happened as the historical record portrays, but knows to keep his tongue around me.
I finally shut him up years ago with this:
All of the lunar landings occurred during the Nixon Administration. If Nixon couldn't keep a burglary done by three guys a secret, how in the hell do you think he could keep secret a lunar landing fake when the program had over 400,000 people working on it?
Hasn't said a word about it since.