Author Topic: FAR SIDE OF THE MOON  (Read 149160 times)

Offline tarkus

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« Reply #300 on: October 24, 2015, 05:07:50 PM »
Never picked up a camera, have you?
Did you have sex ever?

You had better start behaving like a mature adult really quick because you are on very thin ice right now. Let me put it more clearly:

STOP insulting people
STOP making immature comments like the one above
START answering our questions

If you do not follow this advice I will ban you.
You are not measured with the same yardstick your friends ... having fun making jokes how are you, in this thread:

This is by far the stupidest post you have made how is the Sun 93 million miles from the earth pass between the Earth and Moon 239000 miles away? Do you ever read or think about your posts?, Or do you just go to a hoax web page and start copying?
I never said such madness, does Google Translator an error? you forget that I use that tool, you know because I had clarified, would not it have been more cautious ask instead of making a mockery?

I bring back a paragraph J Windley:
Quote from: JayUtah
Your concept of the problem is wrong.  There's no comfortable way to say it -- you are entirely ignorant of the quantitative relationships that involve perspective and the focal length of lenses.  The ratio of distances among the photographer and the objects in the scene is a factor.  The focal length of the camera is a factor.  Your abject ignorance of these factors do not suddenly make your proposal valid.
Of course no one is able to answer those questions in any case (or yourself) is the space agency's own broadcasting this graphic which should report on the more improbable and incomprehensible photographic tricks.
You fit the facts to their own convenience, such as dark gray gif Moon moon is due to low albedo ... despite how low albedo left blind eyes to see Armstrong as a star.

If Apollo generates many doubts, the images of the probes end up convincing scam, where the details of the fragments that make up the rings of Saturn are? Cassini brought computer animations only worthless, you have you examined the images of Pluto?

To show this, it is better not show anything ...

I return with this animation, this is not serious:

no one has answered the New Horizons has focus problems, this garbage ashamed of images, an insult to the intelligence, how to believe in NASA and drawings?
And if I have not been able to respond to all it is for two reasons, I am only against a dozen of you and because I work with another language, something perfectly understandable to anyone, but beyond the understanding of the trolls in this forum.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 05:13:51 PM by tarkus »

Offline JayUtah

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« Reply #301 on: October 24, 2015, 05:12:14 PM »
no one has answered the New Horizons has focus problems...

Of course they have.  Your inability to understand the answer doesn't create a legitimate controversy.

And if I have not been able to respond to all it is for two reasons, I am only against a dozen of you and because I work with another language

I don't care.  You chose an English-language forum as a venue, with many participants.  No one forced you to start several threads.  Your inability or unwillingness to maintain a suitable discussion is entirely your problem.
"Facts are stubborn things." --John Adams

Offline bknight

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« Reply #302 on: October 24, 2015, 05:14:40 PM »

I never said such madness, does Google Translator an error? you forget that I use that tool, you know because I had clarified, would not it have been more pridente ask instead of making a mockery?

But the image you posted does say that and in essence since you selected and posted it, you by association agree with what is on the image.
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
Eugene Cernan

Offline Apollo 957

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« Reply #303 on: October 24, 2015, 06:58:36 PM »
no one has answered the New Horizons has focus problems, this garbage ashamed of images, an insult to the intelligence, how to believe in NASA and drawings?

Look at the URL of that Pluto animation - "pluto-observations-through-the-years.gif"

They weren't all taken from New Horizons - only the later ones were.

"I work with another language, something perfectly understandable to anyone, but beyond the understanding of the trolls in this forum."

Why don't you spend some time learning better English, then, since you CHOSE to come here, to a forum which conducts its business in English?

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 07:00:57 PM by Apollo 957 »

Offline AtomicDog

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« Reply #304 on: October 24, 2015, 07:12:16 PM »
And why do hoax believers enter a forum that they KNOW that its parcipitants oppose their position, and then complain about being ganged up on?
"There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death." - Isaac Asimov

Offline AtomicDog

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« Reply #305 on: October 24, 2015, 07:18:25 PM »
no one has answered the New Horizons has focus problems, this garbage ashamed of images, an insult to the intelligence, how to believe in NASA and drawings?

Look at the URL of that Pluto animation - "pluto-observations-through-the-years.gif"

They weren't all taken from New Horizons - only the later ones were.

"I work with another language, something perfectly understandable to anyone, but beyond the understanding of the trolls in this forum."

Why don't you spend some time learning better English, then, since you CHOSE to come here, to a forum which conducts its business in English?

A set of the best available photos of Mars and Jupiter taken through history would have similar improvements in resolution. Only a hoax believer would take such a triumph of imaging technology and twist it into somehow being evidence of the hoax.
"There is no belief, however foolish, that will not gather its faithful adherents who will defend it to the death." - Isaac Asimov

Offline Dalhousie

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« Reply #306 on: October 24, 2015, 11:09:39 PM »
Having lost out on the lunar farside and then shifting to Pluto I detect a Gish gallop.

I also find it amusing that tarkus thinks that images of tiny moons of Pluto are not worth showing, without any comprehension of the fact that these objects were just points of light in previous images.

Offline ka9q

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« Reply #307 on: October 24, 2015, 11:29:56 PM »
Or that even Pluto's large moon (co-dwarf-planet?) Charon wasn't discovered until 1978.

Offline Jason Thompson

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« Reply #308 on: October 25, 2015, 02:06:06 AM »
no one has answered the New Horizons has focus problems,

Yes, they have. But just for the hell of it, here it is again:

A small and distant object will appear as a point from Earth, as a few pixels in an Earth orbiting telescope, and will gradually appear larger, and hence with better detail, as a probe approaches it. What we see with those images is exactly what would be expected. Why do you expect different?

However, since you have refused repeatedly to answer two simple questions I have put to you, you are not in a positon to complain about your questions not being answered.

1: How large will Earth appear to be from 800,000km given that you have already stated it appears 2 degrees wide from 400,000km.

2: What have you to say about the business with the 'invisible' service module given the numerous demonstrations posted so far that show it is just what would be expected given the shapes and positions of the spacecraft and camera?

And if I have not been able to respond to all it is for two reasons, I am only against a dozen of you

Irrelevant since we are pretty much all asking for the same answers.

and because I work with another language,

Irrelevant because you choe to come here and engage with a group that works in English. Language problems are not the reason you are refusing to answer my simple questions. You understand them perfectly, you simply keep eveading them.
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

Offline sts60

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« Reply #309 on: October 25, 2015, 04:16:35 AM »
Of course no one is able to answer those questions in any case (or yourself) is the space agency's own broadcasting this graphic which should report on the more improbable and incomprehensible photographic tricks.
You fit the facts to their own convenience, such as dark gray gif Moon moon is due to low albedo ... despite how low albedo left blind eyes to see Armstrong as a star.
No.  You were given reasonable explanations, but they don't fit into your cartoon view of how things work.  Yet rather than taking advantage of the opportunity to learn something, you stubbornly cling to your ignorance.  That's nobody's fault but your own.

If Apollo generates many doubts, the images of the probes end up convincing scam, where the details of the fragments that make up the rings of Saturn are? Cassini brought computer animations only worthless, you have you examined the images of Pluto?

People who actually understand the subject don't have doubts.  This does not include you, as you have repeatedly demonstrated.  And, yes, I have examined the images of Pluto.  And I worked, a little. on the spacecraft that took those images, and I have worked with some of the investigators on that mission.  You, on the other hand, have no idea what you're talking about.  You can't even grasp the simplest concepts, such as...

I return with this animation, this is not serious:
no one has answered the New Horizons has focus problems, this garbage ashamed of images, an insult to the intelligence, how to believe in NASA and drawings?

First, you thought it was remarkable that images taken from three billion miles away were fuzzy.  That is merely hilarious, but what's really amazing is that you looked at really excellent sharp pictures taken from the flyby and said they were fuzzy.  That's simply denying what's right in front of you.  Nothing more clearly shows your absolute determination to disbelieve Apollo, but that's your problem, not reality's.

And if I have not been able to respond to all it is for two reasons, I am only against a dozen of you and because I work with another language, something perfectly understandable to anyone, but beyond the understanding of the trolls in this forum.

Quit whining.  You have found plenty of time to jump from one failed claim to another, and to waste time arguing with educated people rather than learning anything.  That's your fault, and your fault only.

Now, given your ridiculous failure with the Pluto images, and the many mistakes you have already made on this forum, I ask again:

Why do you never reconsider your opinions when your endless errors are pointed out to you?

And why, since you seem determined not to learn anything, should anyone keep trying to educate you?

Offline Luke Pemberton

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« Reply #310 on: October 25, 2015, 04:59:07 AM »

I never said such madness, does Google Translator an error? you forget that I use that tool, you know because I had clarified, would not it have been more cautious ask instead of making a mockery?

So, if English is not your first language, let me help you out with the above diagram.

umbrella and umbrage would be correctly labelled the penumbra and umbra. Corolla should be corona.

Does this help you realise the error you made when you used this diagram to support you argument? Will you now retract your position?
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people – Sir Isaac Newton.

A polar orbit would also bypass the SAA - Tim Finch

Offline Luke Pemberton

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« Reply #311 on: October 25, 2015, 04:59:56 AM »
And why do hoax believers enter a forum that they KNOW that its parcipitants oppose their position, and then complain about being ganged up on?

Persecution complex... possibly?
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people – Sir Isaac Newton.

A polar orbit would also bypass the SAA - Tim Finch

Offline bknight

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« Reply #312 on: October 25, 2015, 08:01:17 AM »
Does this help you realise the error you made when you used this diagram to support you argument? Will you now retract your position?
Judging from past performance, I'm not holding my breath waiting
Truth needs no defense.  Nobody can take those footsteps I made on the surface of the moon away from me.
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Offline molesworth

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« Reply #313 on: October 25, 2015, 02:52:14 PM »

I never said such madness, does Google Translator an error? you forget that I use that tool, you know because I had clarified, would not it have been more cautious ask instead of making a mockery?

So, if English is not your first language, let me help you out with the above diagram.

umbrella and umbrage would be correctly labelled the penumbra and umbra. Corolla should be corona.

Does this help you realise the error you made when you used this diagram to support you argument? Will you now retract your position?
To be fair to Tarkus, he didn't originally post the image (see P6) and I don't believe he thinks it's correct.  His inability to manage message quotes properly made it end up looking like he's posted it.

He does have some strange ideas but, I think he probably does have a basic understanding of astronomy.  Beyond that however...
Days spent at sea are not deducted from one's allotted span - Phoenician proverb

Offline Zakalwe

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« Reply #314 on: October 25, 2015, 03:34:38 PM »

To be fair to Tarkus, he didn't originally post the image (see P6) and I don't believe he thinks it's correct.  His inability to manage message quotes properly made it end up looking like he's posted it.
That's what I thought too. He quoted it as an example of how the big boys were being unfair to him and calling him names. Though his inability to manage to use quotes properly seems to be a common failing with hoaxies.

He does have some strange ideas but, I think he probably does have a basic understanding of astronomy. 
I'm not sure that I'd go quite that far.....
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov