Anders "quietly moving the goalposts" Björkman has modified his page again, last on 28 Feb. This time, a lot of the text has been shuffled around, so it's harder to find novel changes, but still not impossible. on his usual simplistic calculations, he proclaims the Ariane 5 to be real and the Saturn 5 and the Shuttle fake. Oh, and as for this:
It is always nice to compare old and new space vehicles carrying out maneuvers and the fuel consumed. And the conclusions is clear! NASA fakes it. 44 years ago 1969 and today 2013. Only the French Ariane 5 is real!
(The emphasis is his.) Psst, dude, the Shuttles fly no more, so what exactly are NASA faking in 2013?
(He again tries to deduce the "fuel consumption" per joule from the vehicle loadout at start and the payload's orbital velocity, gets a low value for the Ariane, then decides that this is a "real" value as compared to his Apollo numbers. Hey,
Why don't you go to the scientists and engineers that designed and built the Ariane and ask them if Apollo was real? Even better, show them your "calculations". Even engineers enjoy a laugh now and then.

Björkman has also quietly accepted the existence of a Shuttle orbiter re-entry sonic boom, migrating from
"Anyone hearing a Shuttle producing a sonic boom at re-entry was therefore mistaken. Or subject to NASA propaganda!" and
"And no sonic booms!" to the orbiter making "a short supersonic flight to produce a sonic boom" after being released from an airplane and speculations about the overpressure levels of the shockwave.
Oh, and he's added another picture, of a Shuttle re-entry from the ISS:
Above NASA photo ( shows the space shuttle Atlantis, appearing like a bean sprout against clouds and city lights, on its way home braking through the atmosphere, as outlined above and below. It was allegedly taken by the Expedition 28 crew of the International Space Station. Airglow over Earth can be seen in the background. The photo does not look real in my view, i.e. it is another fake.

Ever heard of "long exposure", Björkman? Oh, and as for another newly added jab, shuttle re-entries can be seen from the ground, too. Remember the thermal camera imaging of