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The Hoax Theory / Re: Our favourite "Dr" turned up in a debate recently
« Last post by bknight on June 02, 2024, 08:27:58 AM »
MCTOON is doing a follow up debate in July, with Marcus “yes they did, oh wait no they didn’t land on the Moon” Allen. Does anybody have any links to specific ballistic tests carried out on the AL7 suits? As this is one of his question he will face. I can find references to ballistic tests but no actual documentation or images.
Marcus is the classic grifter.
General Discussion / Re: The Trump Presidency
« Last post by Zakalwe on May 31, 2024, 10:27:50 AM »
It wont make that much difference. His core supporters will vote for him no matter what he does.

The big laugh for me is that Trump paid out and has been convicted for his attempts to hush up his affair with a porn star in order to not offend the Christian sector of his support. In reality his affair made no difference...they are happy to support him with a criminal conviction so an affair means nothing to them.

He paid that money out and ended up with a criminal conviction for nothing, the daft duplicitous eejit.
General Discussion / Re: The Trump Presidency
« Last post by grmcdorman on May 31, 2024, 07:33:53 AM »
Entirely expected that he would appeal. It will be interesting to see the grounds for the appeal, though; you can't simply appeal because you don't like the verdict.

Also predictably, he's blathering about it being "rigged" (with nary a word about how it might have been rigged, never mind actual evidence).
General Discussion / Re: The Trump Presidency
« Last post by Peter B on May 30, 2024, 06:01:34 PM »

Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records, a felony that could result in prison time.

Well. I suppose he'll appeal...
The Hoax Theory / Re: Our favourite "Dr" turned up in a debate recently
« Last post by Bryanpoprobson on May 30, 2024, 04:17:40 PM »
MCTOON is doing a follow up debate in July, with Marcus “yes they did, oh wait no they didn’t land on the Moon” Allen. Does anybody have any links to specific ballistic tests carried out on the AL7 suits? As this is one of his question he will face. I can find references to ballistic tests but no actual documentation or images.
The Hoax Theory / Re: Our favourite "Dr" turned up in a debate recently
« Last post by TimberWolfAu on May 30, 2024, 12:58:16 PM »
'Not a Dr' Rasa has turned up for another debate, with McToon this time. Toon has done his homework on Rasa. Amusingly, Rasa posted this in The Moon-Landing Hoax FB page before the debate, but hasn't bumped the post back to the top or even commented since the debate happened, just quietly letting it sink.

The Hoax Theory / Re: New interview: Joe Rogan and Bart Sibrel
« Last post by Donnie B. on May 29, 2024, 04:44:07 PM »
For those interested, Dave McKeegan has done a nice rebuttal YouTube video to the Sibrel-Rogan interview.  He does his usual excellent job, though it's infuriating to see Sibrel's despicable accusations about AS-204 again (grrr).
The Reality of Apollo / Re: Apollo 11 and 17 imaged by South Korea
« Last post by onebigmonkey on May 28, 2024, 04:11:26 AM »
The shadowcam now has images of more of the Apollo sites.

Apollo 11 and 12 don't disturb the ground enough, but 14 and 16 did. Here's a dark blob at the LM site for Apollo 14:

And here's the LM and LRV at its VIP spot for Apollo 16

The Reality of Apollo / Re: "Star" in an Apollo photo?
« Last post by Zakalwe on May 21, 2024, 03:57:36 AM »
No expert here, but the two images are taken from different vantage points, the second of which would seem to occlude the "object".

I'm more inclined to think that it is an artefact (cosmic ray strike?).
The Reality of Apollo / Re: "Star" in an Apollo photo?
« Last post by jfb on May 20, 2024, 02:47:57 PM »
Couldn't be the CSM passing overhead, could it?

Otherwise I'd go with an artifact in development or scanning (or damage to the film itself).  On the full-size scan I see a few more spots that look like that, just much smaller/fainter. 
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