Author Topic: Questions needing answers  (Read 144301 times)

Offline dwight

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #75 on: January 31, 2016, 10:36:14 PM »
Another question that flat earthers can't seem to answer: why does a flight from Frankfurt to Singapore take 12.5 hours, when a flight from Singapore to Frankfurt, flying over the exact same trajectory takes 13.5 hours?
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Offline carpediem

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #76 on: January 31, 2016, 10:40:48 PM »
Another question that flat earthers can't seem to answer: why does a flight from Frankfurt to Singapore take 12.5 hours, when a flight from Singapore to Frankfurt, flying over the exact same trajectory takes 13.5 hours?

Offline dwight

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #77 on: January 31, 2016, 10:42:25 PM »
but that would mean the winds always blow from west to east.
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Offline frenat

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #78 on: January 31, 2016, 10:51:51 PM »
I'm going to regret asking this, not least because it's off topic, but if the world isn't round, how did Juan Sebastián Elcano circumnavigate it?
The most common flat Earth model (because not all of them can even agree on the general shape) is a disc with the north pole in the center and Antarctica forming an ice wall around the rim.  So they would say he just went in a big circle.

Of course this ignores the fact that in such a model there is no south pole and it is easily provable that one can see stars rotate around the south celestial pole the same as with the north.  On such a flat Earth there would be infinite souths.  Just one of MANY ways the flat Earth model fails.
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Offline JayUtah

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #79 on: January 31, 2016, 10:57:24 PM »
Try wandering into the Practical Machinist forum, confusing bronze with brass, then telling people all about how "obviously" you'd get cleaner cuts with lower RPMs. See how polite they are to you then!

I have some funny feed-n-speed stories that sometimes result in holes in the wall, billets deposited into the hallway, and wide-eyed machinists.

But yes, tradosaurus seems to have overestimated the amount of respect he deserves.  He is, by any practical measure, scientifically illiterate.  Yet he is talking about a scientific achievement that requires considerable expertise to understand in all its particulars. Even still, he can't even get the simple layman's facts right.  It's one thing not to now in detail how sublimators work, what requires pumps, and what can be supplied by static pressure.  It's another thing not to know that the astronauts weren't confined to their space suits and strapped to their chairs for 7 days.  The latter is just plain ignorance.

Tradosaurus seems to think all he has received is derogatory comments.  That's not true; he has received clear, complete, and concise answers to all his objections.  The derogatory responses are entirely deserved.  One does not get to display such abject ignorance, put on such elitist airs, and walk away unscathed from well informed audiences.  If he doesn't want to get intellectual tomatoes thrown at him, he shouldn't put on such a terrible performance.
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Offline Ishkabibble

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #80 on: January 31, 2016, 10:58:54 PM »
As a proud Apollo moon lander denier and a degreed Mechanical Engineer, I have a few questions to ask those that believe in NASA's story.   

I've read all the drivel you've posted, all the things you've ignored, and all the pathetic insults you've tried to sling, and my only recommendation to you is that you go back to wherever you claim you got this degree from, and demand a refund.

Either that or put up a copy of your diploma for proof. I haven't seen it, and I don't believe you have it, and unless you can prove it, I'll know you are some kind of dishonest shill. 
You don't "believe" that the lunar landings happened. You either understand the science or you don't.

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Offline Count Zero

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #81 on: January 31, 2016, 11:04:08 PM »
Here's another one:  Why is it that, regardless of azimuth or altitude, the shadow of the Earth on the Moon as seen during a lunar eclipse is always round.  Simple experiments show that only a sphere can cast such a shadow.

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Offline Gazpar

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #82 on: January 31, 2016, 11:35:45 PM »
tradosaurus, if you believe the earth is flat, how do you explain this facts?

1)The sun/moon setting or rising. The law of perspective says the sun and the moon must be at an infinite distance from you to even APPEAR to touch the horizon. This can also be described mathematically.

Be it the triangle ABC. Where:
A is the observer position.
B is the point where the sun lies overhead.
C is the sun or moon.
δ is the angle between the sun and the horizon or namely the amount your head must tilt up to see the sun.
The side AB is the distance from you to where the sun lies overhead. BC is the altitude of the sun or 3000 miles.
To find δ we must know the ratios between BC and AB or tan(δ)=BC/AB.
Which is δ=arctan(BC/AB)
What happens when BA tends to infinity? It equals 0

The setting or rising of the sun/moon implies the angle δ becomes negative which is impossible on a flat earth since it is always above the ground.

2)The moon and sun angular size. The law of perspective states an object must get smaller the farther away it is from you and vice versa. In reality, they stay almost the same size or roughly 31 arc minutes through the year when on a flat earth they should change daily. It can be described mathematically:

The equation is δ= 2arctan (d/ (2D)) where D is the distance of the object from you and d is the diameter of said object.
What happens to δ when D tends to infinity? It becomes 0 but it can never be 0 on a flat earth since objects remain above the surface.

Atmospheric magnification only works on magnifying the glare. Put a solar filter and the sun/moon remains at roughly 31 arc minutes through the day.

3)The apparent speed of the sun and the moon across the sky. The law of perspective states an object will appear to decelerate the farther away it moves from you and vice versa on a flat earth.

In reality, both sun and moon move at an evenly speed across the sky since the earth rotates at a constant speed as predicted on a spherical earth.
4)The sun and moon path across the sky. On a flat earth, the path of the sun would be in an arc. For example on the equinox, the movement would be a 180 degree arc above the sky on a flat earth, not a straight line like the spherical earth dictates and we see in reality.

5)The position where the sun rises and sets on the sky. The flat earth dictates the sun will rise NE and set NW on both equinox and December solstice. When in reality, the sun rises E and sets W for everyone on the equinox or that it rises SE and sets SW for everyone even below the Capricorn line on the December solstice.

6)The longitude lines. On a flat earth they should increase below the equator and decrease above it. But in reality, they decrease in both directions. For example, the Capricorn line is the same length as the tropic of Cancer. It DOES not matter if some longitude lines increase below of the equator, you would still get a sphere but with some irregularities when on your flat earth ALL of longitude lines should increase below the equator.

7)Latitude lines. On a flat earth they will grow exponentially but instead, they are perfectly uniform as predicted on a sphere. Draw me a set of triangles whose share the same baseline and which apex angle differs by one degree in which the opposite side is uniform with every one degree. You can’t because It is impossible.

8)The celestial sphere. Flat earthers claim Polaris rotates above the north pole in a clockwise fashion.
This would imply several things:
a)If you stood on the North Pole, you would look Polaris rotate in a perfect circle above you. But the farther away you move from it, the more ovaloid this circle gets.

But instead it remains the same wherever you are be it the equator or the tropic of cancer.

b)The north circumpolar stars should be seen below ALL the equator, not some places since there is no curvature in a flat earth to hide the stars. But in fact, Polaris can only be seen a degree or so of latitude below the equator since the earth curves and it is not exactly in the axis of rotation.
c)If the stars are rotating around Polaris in a north pole, all stars in the sky would appear to transverse the horizon looking due south. But you see them rotating on a central point.

d)Wherever you are in the southern hemisphere, you will see stars rotate anti-clockwise on a central point looking due south. That means for someone on Australia can see the same stars looking due south as someone on South Africa or Argentina when on a flat earth, they are looking at different and even OPPOSITE directions.

e) The path of the stars on the equator would be an arc in a flat earth when in reality is a straight line as predicted by a sphere.
9)Moon distance. If the moon is 3000 miles or so above the ground in the flat earth, why do ham radios can bounce signals, calculate their return and get roughly 384.000km of distance ?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 11:54:23 PM by Gazpar »

Offline smartcooky

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #83 on: February 01, 2016, 12:17:23 AM »
Even simpler, you can prove that the earth is curved merely by taking a flight in a commercial airliner. If your airliner cruises above around 35,000 feet, then so long as you have a fairly wide field of view (at least 60°) and a near cloud-free horizon, you can see the curvature of the earth for yourself.

Even better, you can see it for yourself from ground level if you live near the sea, and especially, if you live near a seaport. All you need is clear view of the sea and a pair of binoculars – just watch ships after they leave the port and as they approach the horizon, you will see that their hulls start to disappear before their masts and other superstructure.

Ancient Greek philosopher-scientists spotted this without any optical aids, and concluded that the Earth was round. The Greek scholar, Erastosthenes of Cyrene even attempted to calculate the circumference of the Earth.....

... and he got it right within just a few percent

Now if a man who lived 2200 years ago could prove conclusively that the Earth was a sphere, one wonders why we still have idiots to this day who deny it. 

If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline Zakalwe

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #84 on: February 01, 2016, 03:07:13 AM »
Awww...that's old news.  I've since grown in wisdom and understanding to see the universe as much smaller and the globe earth as an impossibility.

You must have come from a place of immense stupidity if what you are currently demonstrating is an improvement from a year ago. Still, at least you acknowledge that you can learn stuff. Stick around, you might learn about some of the concepts that you are so eager to trash. The same concepts that you have demonstrated abject ignorance of.

Are you DAKDAK?

No.  Although I guess I will send him a PM if he is still on this forum.
I doubt if you will find him. DAK DAK was a particularly stupid member of the conspiracy theory set. He was proud of only having a very basic secondary education, which if memory serves me, he didn't complete. He asked questions remarkably similar to the questions that you are struggling to understand (basic questions of volumes, simple engineering concepts and so on). He eventually imploded when he realised that he was incapable of understanding simple ideas and then tried to delete all of his posts.
Now, when I see someone claiming to be a 50 year old mechanical engineer asking similar questions in a similar way, and displaying ignorance of very, very simple everday concepts you will, I am sure, understand why I think that you are either lying or have suffered some form of cognitive impairment.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 03:10:54 AM by Zakalwe »
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Offline dwight

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #85 on: February 01, 2016, 06:42:07 AM »
i have seen the curvature from an aircraft flying extremely high. You can bluster all you want tradosaurus, but the horizon I saw was curved, not linear. Better yet, why not approach some of the students conducting high altitude balloon experiments and devise an experiment for yourself. Dont forget to let us know of the results...
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Offline bknight

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #86 on: February 01, 2016, 06:59:55 AM »
i have seen the curvature from an aircraft flying extremely high. You can bluster all you want tradosaurus, but the horizon I saw was curved, not linear. Better yet, why not approach some of the students conducting high altitude balloon experiments and devise an experiment for yourself. Dont forget to let us know of the results...

None would be forthcoming as those results will disprove the flat Earth, rejected by tradosaurus out of hand.
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Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #87 on: February 01, 2016, 07:51:52 AM »
As you answer these questions please take a minute to ponder if you are answering the questions based on faith or based on logic and evidence.

If you are asking these questions based on a logic and evidence framework, please present it.

1) Why does the earth look so small in the background of photographs on the moon.  The earth should be much larger.

Should it? How much larger? Why? This is a simple mathematical situation, so please provide the mathematics that went into your original claim that Earth 'should be much larger'.

2) How did the astronauts keep cooled and heated in extreme temperatures (+/- 200F).  Could 1960's technology operated in this environment? I've seen a picture of the heat transfer system supposedly used but it still needed a power supply.

All the details of how the thermal control systems are freely available. If you have any particular issue with the specifics then present it.

3) How did the astronauts fit through a 22" docking hatch with their backpacks on when hooking back with the command module?

Carefully. 22" is big enough. If you doubt it please explain the parts of the record that actually show the astronauts getting through that hatch while suited.

4) How could NASA send a rocket to the moon given the variables (as told to us by science books) of the earth's rotation (1,000 mph), the earths rotation around the sun (65,000 mph), and the moon's rotation about the earth using technology no powerful than a pocket calculator.

Please prove that the mathematics to work with these factors (which are constant and therefore not variables) is beyond a pocket calculator or a talented mathematician. My pocket calculator is capable of many complex mathematical functions that are not necessary for calculating a path to the Moon.

5) How did all consumables including fuel (and a lunar rover) needed for a 7 day trip for 3 men fit in the lunar module?  According to NASA the LM was height was 22'-11" (with legs extended) and 31 ft diameter (across extended landing gear) so LM cargo/living area was smaller.

All the details of how everything fitted into the lunar module are freely available. If you have an issue with any specific point please present it. Just off the top of my head I can tell you that much of the fuel, along with the lunar rover and much of the equipment for use on the surface was carried in the descent stage. The living area is beside the point for those items.
6) What kind of camera technology could withstand +/-200 F heat and develop film so perfectly clear (and film withstand radiation twice through the Van Allen belts)?

Why would the film need to withstand radiation when it was stored inside a canister inside a spacecraft, which effectively presents a pretty decent amount of shielding? Also, why do you think the camera experienced those extremes of temperature, which apply to the lunar surface itself, not anything held above it in the vacuum surrounding the Moon. Please also present the model of heat transfer that shows how those temperatures could affect the film inside a camera in a vacuum.
7) How did the astronauts poop and pee during their 7 day excursion to and from the moon?  Were they able to get out of their suits at all?

Again, this is freely available information.

Since you appear to have done very little research into even the basics of the Apollo program, exactly what is your conclusion that it was faked based on?
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Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #88 on: February 01, 2016, 07:58:35 AM »
I'm imagining putting food, water, fuel, parachute, 3 men and instruments in a room this size

Why? Again, it is freely available information that stuff like fuel and water was carried in the service module, not the command module, and that the parachutes were stowed outside the habitable volume.

Also step 4 on the phases of the trip it states that the CSM turns and docks with the Lunar Module.  That's a neat parlor trick while moving at a fast clip around the moon.

Speed relative to the Earth or moon is irrelevant. Speed relative to the other object you need to rendezvous with is the key. I assume you don't believe in Skylab, Salyut, Mir, the ISS, Soyuz, or indeed any space flight if you think that rendezvous is impossible?
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain

Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Questions needing answers
« Reply #89 on: February 01, 2016, 08:03:51 AM »
Basically we have been brainwashed by "scientists" to ignore our observations and BELIEVE in things we cannot see.

Nope. I have seen the way the sky changes when I travel north or south but not east or west. I have seen how the Earth's shadow on the moon is always circular no matter where in the sky the moon is, which is impossible on a flat Earth. I have observed with my own eyes how things disappear over the horizon. I have observed enough to tell me that Earth is a globe.
"There's this idea that everyone's opinion is equally valid. My arse! Bloke who was a professor of dentistry for forty years does NOT have a debate with some eejit who removes his teeth with string and a door!"  - Dara O'Briain