This does not prove that this module is nowhere
Shifting the burden of proof- a classic hoaxie technique to avoid addressing that what has been claimed not to exist does in fact exist (namely, images of astronauts at the controls). You need to understand the
burden of proof and the obligations that it places on you.
This does not prove that this module is nowhere, could be in a suspended cable studio behind a black curtain, not proof that someone is driving, only one head is seen behind a window.
Indeed it could. However, the burden of proof is on you to substantiate that claim. And any evidence that you would use would have to explain the chain of still frames and video that the image in question forms a part of. After all, that image isn't the only image of the sequence. Nor is it a single piece of evidence on which the whole veracity of the mission relies on.
As an example I could easily claim that you are nothing more than a script running on a machine somewhere that constantly regurgitates long-debunked hoax nonsense. Now, you know that that is not the case*, so it would be up to me to prove it. The burden of proof is mine, and mine alone in this case. You do not have to prove that you are human, it's up to me to prove that you are a script. If I demanded that you prove that you are a human, then you can rightfully wave my claim away as arrant nonsense.
You will (hopefully) notice that that is not what tends to happen here. People here go way above what's required to try and show you the fallacy of your ways and even to try an educate some sense into you. Do not interpret this as weakness or as an acknowledgement that the burden of proof does not sit with you. However when you continue to wilfully ignore those attempts, shift the goalpost or go off on a gish-gallop, then you will understand that it's human nature for people to reserve the right to offer you further politeness.
*That you are a human, not a script running on a machine. The bit about regurgitating long-debunked hoax nonsense is all too plain to see!