No, I haven`t been registered here before. If I used a proxy server, or thor, I wouldn`t be able to register here again once again with the same I.P. Adress. But I f I reregsitered here again, I would still have the same IP adress.
ATS-, and If I was a sock puppet, then sock puppet of whom? Can I see the user name, out of curiosity. If by mentioning wetting sand you suspect that I am a sock puppet, then it is weird. It is not really a rocket science to imagine that to elimate dust, one could wet them or sift them for coarser grains.
Luke Pemberton< I do believe Apollo was hoaxed, no matter how supportive I am for US, my lifelong ( not that long) investigation in US car industry, aviation partly as well, consumer electronics, has been a huge disappointment. Whether I researched wing manufacturing of Boeing 787 outsourced for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Opel car platforms used for cadillacs , or constant rebadging of import poducts under US brand names, be it Magnavox, Norelco, etc, it was constant pain to find a single core of engineering facility that would do a real engineering work of precision manufactured items at home. And that broke my heart.
As to Apollo, and what is the hoaxers strongest argument, i don`t know. I don`t represent them, i represent myself. Each of those who believes apollo was hoaxed, has his own arguments as strongest. As to radiation , I believe it is insurmountable issue. I can`t imagine that attitude and risk of astronauts that could have taken a risk of going through van Allen`s, and still be risking their lifes to unpredictable solar flares, space radiation, defragmantation of radiation hitting spacecraft and the radiation on the lunar surface bouncing back. I do believe scientificAmerican article in those years was right, stating the approximate range of radiation, which allowed Mr. Jarrah White to calculate exact doses each astonaut would get. And I believe Van Allen was threatened to either withdraw or be silent about his radiation discoveries, although I am no privy to provide proof of such an occurence. If you go to Jarrah White`s channel , he has a lot of videos dealing with radiation, he has even updated and revisited them. And you can call me stupid, but if my life hanged at a thread, Jarrah White would be a kind of person I would trust my life, although I am not personally familiar with him. I don`t know if he will die poor or rich, or happy or not, but I know he will die honest. Another thing that bothers me about radiation is how brave and careless the astronauts were on the moon, they didn`t care to read or report or inquire about radiation readings, or what exact dose they got from the sun as well, or the battery meters on their lunar rover, why didn`t they report the battery levels? There are many things that beg to ask questions, even the star question. I don`t believe if they tried to hide behind in a shadow of a large boulder, having only black sky and 7% albedo from the lunar surface, that they wouldn`t be able to film or photograph stars. At least they would be able to see Jupiter or Venus.