I sincerely accept and appreciate your apology. I can move on from it without discourse.
But you have still not answered my question. You accept the statement about how easy it is to move around in a cruising plane, and that a bath will drain in the same way there as on the ground?
My understanding of the motion of the SS and the Galaxy is as it was before I even saw the Vortex Vid; that of the accepted view.
You said to know something is to understand it in an earlier thread, but this is demonstrating that knowing and understanding are two different things. There is a difference between knowing what the motion is and understanding it, and the lack of understanding is presuambly what is motivating you to ask questions and suggest possible analogies such as ball on elastic or travel in a bus.
Sorry, I'm dealing with every post as it comes in and as a left handed creative thinker all of my balls are in the air at once. I can't get to each person quick enough.
It'll be easier for me to re-package the question here than to try and re-read every post since. This has already been regarded as suspect as it's a sign of side stepping to save face! FFS I'm a grown man with my own business. If only you knew me in person this would be different.
However, Yes i agree either on a plane, or on the ground. This is knowledge I already KNOW as i observe it. My questions are to understand WHY!
So, with this, Yes knowing and understanding are 2 different things. Hence I know the planets are in orbit, but the WHY is the question; I'm not asking this anymore as I already had this knowledge.
My reason for asking questions about orbit gravity and elastic bands was to understand IN MY OWN MIND how the Vortex is wrong.
The answer is as I already thought; Our SS is within it's own Space time and planets are not individually affectd the gravity of the galaxy. Hence, the mass of our Sun does NOT lead the planets, but the SS moves as a whole!