Something has to be wrong. Either NASA got the GCR radiation of cislunar space wrong or the recorded the mission dose wrong. Of course there is the possibility it is all right and mission dose represents a stay in LEO and not a lunar transit but who am I to cast stones?
Or you're understanding it wrong. Why is that not the most logical explanation?
Here's the deal, Tim. You want me to admit that Apollo was faked? Here's what you have to explain.
1. Why
all people working in relevant fields agree that the Apollo data--not just in radiation, but in geology, physics, engineering, and so forth--meets their expectations.
2. Specifically
how the footage was faked, given that it is literally impossible to do so in live action today.
3. How you'd avoid the fact that the Apollo capsules were naked-eye objects and could be seen if they'd just stayed in LEO.
4. How amateurs around the world, including in countries hostile to the US, were able to track the capsules on their way to and from the Moon.
5. How the soil samples were faked.
6. Why no government hostile to the US has ever revealed the "truth."
7. Why Nixon agreed to go along with the fake when revealing that his hated political rivals were defrauding the American public could have made his reputation--or possibly saved him from having to resign over Watergate.
And that's just to start with. If you can't explain all those things,
the concept that you are mistaken is considerably more logical as an explanation when you can't understand how the data fits your expectations.