On top of that how do you enforce the rule using squad 1. Squad 2 will obviously be concentrating on squad 1 and will not know what they are protecting and there might be a standby squad three to cover for sick leave and family emergencies, holidays etc. Apart from when squads trail them they keep going to this place with rockets, they might start to think about it.
But, in this day and age you send an e mail. Seminars still go on, they will never go away? So, 400,000 to get through and replace those that will not play ball before the day of e mails.
Couple of seminars, how many people can you get in a decent sized room? Maybe more than a few seminars then, and have to start earlier to get through 4000 events, OK, silly idea really but your squad number one has to get through 400,000 people to tell them to keep mum. (Keep mum, phrase in the UK for keeping quiet, used else where?).
Seminars bit silly as well. So smaller numbers, your squad has to get through 400,000 in moody lighted underground car parks and so on, so 365 days in a year, how many years before this event do they have to start? Slowly and they need less in squad 1, lot in squad 1 and they can get through it quickly. Increasing the numbers in Squad 1 increases the chances of letting the cat out the bag.....
In that screening you find someone who is not going to play ball or does not sit right, what do you do?
Interviewer 1. What do you reckon?
Interviewer 2. He has changed sides already.
Interviewer 2. And he looks shifty.
Sorry, my mind wanders at times