Author Topic: Faking the moon landings  (Read 179604 times)

Offline AtomicDog

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #45 on: May 03, 2018, 06:52:01 PM »
There were literally thousands of people involved with the Apollo program.

And countless more who didn't work for NASA at the time of Apollo, but still have (or will have) the capability to expose the hoax. I'm not sure cambo has thought this through. The secret of the hoax would have to be protected for the rest of time or eventually someone will expose it. NASA can't afford to bribe this problem away.

And this means that to continue to protect the hoax, new generations have to be made privy to the secret as older generations die off; so continues the possibility of exposure.
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Offline inconceivable

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2018, 06:59:00 PM »
The one that gets me is the one about Muana Kea.  Those old pictures of the terrain and cinder cones from back in the day look just like the supposed backdrop photos most notably Apollo 15.   That is just uncanny!  After a road was built the Air Force purchased the land south of the summit ridge.  Nasa astronauts were training there also and returned to Hawaii after splashdown.  Weren't the HBs calculating if a light source were projected down into the park from this Air Force plot?

Offline smartcooky

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2018, 06:59:43 PM »
You don’t need sophisticated graphics software to take a picture or video of a man in a space suit on a movie set.

You do if you don't want a First Year photography student to immediately recognize that you have taken a picture or video of a man in a space suit on a movie set, on the earth.

This is one of the first things that I picked up on waaay back when HBs were bleating on about the sky not being full of stars in the photos taken on the Lunar surface. As someone who makes his living as a photographer and in dealing with image manipulation, I can say with certainty that if the sky had been full of stars in those photos, I would immediately recognise fakery.

This would be a clear and obvious fake purely because if the stars to even
a first year photography student

If you're not a scientist but you think you've destroyed the foundation of a vast scientific edifice with 10 minutes of Googling, you might want to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

Offline raven

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #48 on: May 03, 2018, 07:26:04 PM »
The one that gets me is the one about Muana Kea.  Those old pictures of the terrain and cinder cones from back in the day look just like the supposed backdrop photos most notably Apollo 15.   That is just uncanny!  After a road was built the Air Force purchased the land south of the summit ridge.  Nasa astronauts were training there also and returned to Hawaii after splashdown.  Weren't the HBs calculating if a light source were projected down into the park from this Air Force plot?
Show me an example of it being 'exactly' the same. I have yet to see one. Besides, don't conspiracy theorists usually just  claim it was some kind of backdrop and the lack of change in the background of the image is somehow  proof of that as opposed to the lack of changes when the objects in the background are far away. You don't know how to keep your stories consistent do you? You can't even agree where it was filmed.

Offline nomuse

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #49 on: May 03, 2018, 07:47:21 PM »
The one that gets me is the one about Muana Kea.  Those old pictures of the terrain and cinder cones from back in the day look just like the supposed backdrop photos most notably Apollo 15.   That is just uncanny!  After a road was built the Air Force purchased the land south of the summit ridge.  Nasa astronauts were training there also and returned to Hawaii after splashdown.  Weren't the HBs calculating if a light source were projected down into the park from this Air Force plot?

They also trained in Meteor Crater, Arizona. Why isn't that suspicious?

Offline raven

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #50 on: May 03, 2018, 07:56:12 PM »
They also trained in Meteor Crater, Arizona. Why isn't that suspicious?
Wow, it's almost like training in environments that have certain analogies to the one being trained for is actually kind of smart idea. :o

Offline AtomicDog

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #51 on: May 03, 2018, 08:02:04 PM »
The one that gets me is the one about Muana Kea.  Those old pictures of the terrain and cinder cones from back in the day look just like the supposed backdrop photos most notably Apollo 15.   That is just uncanny!  After a road was built the Air Force purchased the land south of the summit ridge.  Nasa astronauts were training there also and returned to Hawaii after splashdown.  Weren't the HBs calculating if a light source were projected down into the park from this Air Force plot?

Why would NASA publish photos of astronauts training at a site and then turn around and use the EXACT SAME SITE to film the hoax footage? That is beyond all kinds of stupid.
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Offline jfb

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #52 on: May 03, 2018, 10:16:40 PM »
The one that gets me is the one about Muana Kea.  Those old pictures of the terrain and cinder cones from back in the day look just like the supposed backdrop photos most notably Apollo 15.

Except for, you know, all the plants.

I've been to Mauna Kea.  Parts of it are pretty barren, but even in the most inhospitable parts you will find some plant doing its damndest to grow, even in the bare rock.   

Something I regret not getting a picture of is a small vent spewing steam - on the upwind side, hardy grasses and scrub brush.  On the downwind side, lush green ferns and mosses and other jungle-type vegetation.  Distance between the two environments?  On the order of a couple of feet. 

Offline onebigmonkey

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #53 on: May 03, 2018, 11:35:04 PM »
The one that gets me is the one about Muana Kea.  Those old pictures of the terrain and cinder cones from back in the day look just like the supposed backdrop photos most notably Apollo 15.   That is just uncanny!  After a road was built the Air Force purchased the land south of the summit ridge.  Nasa astronauts were training there also and returned to Hawaii after splashdown.  Weren't the HBs calculating if a light source were projected down into the park from this Air Force plot?

What gets me about the photographs and footage of the Apollo 15 landing site is how they look exactly like Mons Hadley, the lunar Apennines and Hadley Rille - down to the last tiny rock and crater, as demonstrated in photos taken by the LRO, Kaguya, Chang'e-2 and Chandrayaan. It's just uncanny. Almost as if they were there.

Offline nomuse

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #54 on: May 04, 2018, 01:15:35 AM »
A fun one to think about as well is the NewWho episode "Planet of the Dead." Untouched desert, completely bare of all plant life, footprints, anything. How did they do it? Sent a huge crew out to clear everything within camera view. And swept it again and again, after every take and after anyone, actor or crew, had stepped on it. A ridiculous amount of work the hoaxies are simply ignoring with their "they just filmed it on the slopes."

BTW that's a fun episode for a couple reasons, both showing how the art we get arises as much from constraints as from intent. First, while the principle photography was in Dubai the inside of the crashed alien ship was filmed at a steelworks in Newport during one of the coldest winters on record. With everyone's breath visibly fogging they had to add a line explaining why the inside of the ship was so cold, but that doesn't matter; what was lovely was the contrast; it made the ship more alien and it really sold the heat of the desert.

The original artistic vision was of a pristine and very British double-decker bus suddenly appearing in the middle of an alien desert. Unfortunately someone dropped the shipping container and it arrived in Dubai looking much the worse for wear. Which was great; the condition of the bus underlined why they needed the bus to survive going back through the wormhole. (They did some repairs of the dockside damage then went over it to add scorch marks and other fun stuff. Then did the same to the identical bus they had left home for studio filming.)

Offline Bryanpoprobson

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #55 on: May 04, 2018, 01:21:26 AM »
Let's test that claim, canbo
Apollo 14 filmed an inadvertent pendulum that resulted from a hanging lanyard. Now, a pendulum's swing depends on local gravity and how long it swings depends on drag. One source of drag is air.
Not only would it speeding the video up so that the pendulum's motion match what it'd be in Earth gravity result in the astronauts  moving like we should be playing Yakety Sax, but, again, the length of time it swings is strong evidence there's  no atmosphere.

The difference in quality is because the former is actual film, while the latter is live, colour video being transmitted to Earth from the moon.

Or my little effort regarding pendulums..

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Offline molesworth

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2018, 02:30:14 AM »
And countless more who didn't work for NASA at the time of Apollo, but still have (or will have) the capability to expose the hoax. I'm not sure cambo has thought this through. The secret of the hoax would have to be protected for the rest of time or eventually someone will expose it. NASA can't afford to bribe this problem away.
Adding to the problem, a lot of these people weren't in the USA, or American (see Cambo's "worldwide conspiracy" idea) and you have the same problem multiplied enormously.  Also, this includes countries where governments aren't as likely to want to keep paying to hide a US "hoax" for centuries, or where economic problems might mean they just can't pay their "conspirators".

The whole idea gets more and more preposterous with every wrinkle you add to it.
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Offline raven

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2018, 03:29:45 AM »
Or my little effort regarding pendulums..

Also a very educational video on the subject. Mind you, cambo probably counts gravity to be under the heading of 'NASA-science'.

Offline Peter B

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2018, 05:33:39 AM »
I hate to have to point out something that is so obvious to all other people on this planet, but everything is about money.

Or that hyper-powered alternative, MONEY!.

And of course, as already pointed out, money was the main reason why Apollo was stopped. Then, in the aftermath, thousands of NASA employees were laid off...and not one of them was cranky enough about that to spill the Apollo hoax to the media. I wonder why?

I’ve seen that footage several times, but I decided to humour you and watch it again. Every time I see one of these videos, it becomes more apparent just how fake they really are. You are seeing things that just aren’t there, while blocking out the obvious fakery. First of all, it is definitely played back in slow motion. Played at 2x speed, it looks normal, although if I was being picky, I’d say it needs to be played back slightly slower. Secondly, I can see the obvious line where the stage ends and the fake scenery begins and towards the end when they disappear over the alleged hill, they are obviously walking around in a pit at the back of the stage. If you bother to open your eyes, you will notice you don’t see the astronaut’s feet. Go on, show me another, this is easy.

Okay, so it's your contention that the video of the astronauts was faked on a stage by being recorded at roughly half speed. That means it  (a) had to be recorded beforehand, and (b) must have been used for all the footage. For point (a) how is it that Mission Control and the astronauts are occasionally heard talking about events of that day such as live sports results? Plus, even if the conversation was recorded live over pre-recorded actions, how is it that sound and action synch so perfectly?  And for point (b) are you seriously going to tell me that this video of Dave Scott tripping over a rock, flailing arms and all, works at roughly double speed?

And as for jfb, there are things living at the bottom of ponds with more intelligence than some of you. This is my take on things, that is all, so why don’t you prove it wasn’t motivated by money. Can’t you see how ridiculous you sound? As for the dust you mention, it’s more than likely sand, as when you kick sand in the air, it doesn’t cloud or hang in the air. It comes straight back down again, exactly like you see in the alleged Rover footage. I say again, you lot only see what you’ve been told to see.

Because there are some people who are motivated by things other than money. The Apollo workforce, including contractors, was around 400,000 at its peak. Even if money - or MONEY! - was good enough for 99.99% of those people, that still means there'd be 40 noble patriots who'd refuse the money and speak out. So far we're waiting for one credible person to step forward with evidence of Apollo being faked.

And as for the dusty sand, would you care to explain why the material on the ground looks and behaves like a cohesive powder - similar to flour or talcum powder? And would you care to explain how you create dust-free sand, especially when this stage of yours is going to require hundreds of tons?
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Offline Jason Thompson

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Re: Faking the moon landings
« Reply #59 on: May 04, 2018, 06:40:34 AM »
The one Another one that gets me, but not enough to bother actually returning to defend this absurd accusation because I'm just here for a laugh and to wind you lot up is the one about Muana Kea.

Fixed that for you...

Zero out of ten for originality, inconceivable. Another one I have to ask, why are you even here?
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