Not entirely wrong, but not taking it far enough.
There are multiple possible explanations for any observation. After the fact, none of them can be proven (absolute certainty, in fact, is essentially unobtainable for anything outside of certain specific cases within mathematics.)
All explanations are not equal. Some explanations require fewer assumptions. If I am trying to melt copper in a crucible and it doesn't melt at 1083 the simplest explanation is that I'm measuring wrong. The next explanation in the rank of fewest assumptions is that my supplier slipped up and the sample is actually a brass or other alloy. The explanation with the largest number of assumptions is that copper actually doesn't melt at the book value and there is a massive conspiracy crossing tens of fields to hide the real melting point.
Now, it is tempting to drill down and say that the conspiracy involves the least number of assumptions because it explains all questionable observations. The problem is that is doesn't. If there was a single coherent conspiracy narrative that captured the majority of what the hoax believers have identified as anomalies, this would be a compelling argument. Instead, each has a different mechanism, and each ends up with a vastly different picture of the conspiracy. One picture demands a robot, one a studio, another a whistle-blower. One assumes darkroom trickery, another assumes digital manipulation, a third assumes a model, a get the picture.
The embracing meta-explanation with the fewest assumptions is that the project was real and like all things, like all the world, some of the material we are left with today appears contradictory.
And it doesn't stop there. The vast majority of explanations offered by supporters of the reality of the program are consistent with known physics, aerospace practice, human nature et al, and require no further assumptions.
The vast majority of explanations offered by hoax believers require at least one and often multiple assumptions beyond; they require that optics, geometry, physics, chemistry, etc. don't work the way mainstream science and industry experience claim they do.
And you can't wriggle out of it by saying, "Sure, 99% of the stuff OTHER hoax believers is stupid, but MY claims are all solid." Because there isn't a hoax believer that hasn't said the same. From any larger perspective, the grand mass of hoax belief is nothing but straws, none of them capable of bearing any weight because none of them weave together in anything resembling a bundle.