Returning to the actual subject, I saw in this article: following text under an image of footpad 2:
Picture of footpad 2 from Surveyor 3 television camera, April 21, 1967. The image is hazy because a film of lunar dust was deposited on the mirror of the camera during the landing.
My emphasis.
The Surveyor III Preliminary report states that:
it is possible for dust to settle on the faceplate of the vidicon tube.
and that
records that the probe landed with its camera mirror open, rather than closed and protected.
It also notes that:
The spacecraft touched down three different times during landing on the lunar surface, during the first two touchdowns, the vernier engines, which control the descent of the spacecraft, continued to fire...Evidently, the mirror and possibly other parts of the optical train of the camera were either partially coated with particles of rocket impact or pitted by impact on particles entrained by the rocket effluent.
So, if the landing was difficult enough for material to be deposited on a camera mirror some way up the probe it is perfectly reasonable to assume that it would have deposited material elsewhere.
The sampling regime carried out by Surveyor 3 was vigorous and also disturbed a lot of material, deliberately depositing mounds of it on footpad 2 to allow it to be examined more clearly. Add to that the amount of disturbance caused by the astronauts themselves.
Why is this not a reasonable explanation for dust on the Surveyor, which appears to be more marked at nearer the ground?
Meanwhile, in July 2018 Mr Derek published his article on Apollo 17 at aulis where he repeatedly alludes to fake scenarios, inconsistencies, continuity errors and whistleblowers. In December of that year he's saying this at UM:
I am old enough to remember Project Apollo, and so far I have seen no definitive evidence demonstrating the missions were not real.
I know Neil Armstrong and the others landed on the Moon.
For the record, I am not claiming anything I have said demonstrates the Moon landings were faked.
If there are any inconsistencies in this story, it's not coming from the Apollo record.